Chapter 24

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*Emma's p.o.v*

I found out where i'm moving to Melbourne, Australia, but I can't tell any one. The more I think about this, the more crazy it is. I can start vlogging again, but under a different account. New socials and I will hopeful make new friends and not talk to a lot of people from here other than the people I was close to. I have three days until I move and today i'm going to the school and get my degree because i'm 17 and I had really good grades. Everyday one or more people would come and help me pack or to talk to me. We have already shipped a lot of my things there and I only need to get my personal things now like some clothes, laptop, chargers, and etc.

*The day Emma leaves*

I get to the airport and I see Luke. I run up to him and we hug for a long time. 

"I'm to miss you Emma" He said kissing my head

"I'm going to miss you also dork" I said laughing

"Remember to facetime, call, or text me everyday." He said laughing

"I have to go, but I love you and always remember that" I said kissing him for the last time and walking away

"I love you too. Good luck" He said waving. I'm really sad now. But, I need to get to my gate and on the plane.

*Time skip*

I finally made it to Melbourne. I go to the bagging area and get my bags. I have change my American dollars to Australian money. I call a cab and wait out side. I see the cab and I walk over to it.

"Hello" The guy said.


"Where to" 

"Let me put in the maps" after I did that we started to drive. It was only a 15 minute drive, so I would be here for long. The 15 minutes went by pretty fast so, I was at my place quickly. I thanked the man and gave the money and went to the landlord to get my apartment keys and the good thing was my boxes were here also. I get the keys and two boxes and started to go to my room. Once I got all of my boxes I started to unpack. I did my pc first along with everything with it. I did my room and living room as well. I just hope it will work out here and I will never see anyone I know.


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