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Another morning came up, it was Saturday so he won't be going to the school today.
As a result like the other studens, Jungkook wanted to sleep all day but no, he needed to get his lazy ass up to go to work, he was working in a library to pay on his own, for school and also the apartment he lives in.

-Oh wait let me explain everything first, then we can continue.

The soon coming up things will be enough for you so let's clear things up first, right?


His family made him move out, well we can call that 'kicked him out' honestly. He didn't complain tho he knew his family couldn't pay for his needs but atleast he wanted support from them but no he didn't get any. Another reason why they 'kicked him out' was him being gay. Actually his mother didn't mind but his father didn't want him, so his father was the one mostly wanted him to get out of the house, his mother couldn't change his father's choice.

Now he was all alone living by himself in a small apartment. It was a warm and welcoming place in his opinion. He always spends time by himself watching films, painting or singing oh and also rarely dancing. He was really talented in his mother's eyes well... not anymore he guesses.

He didn't have friends only the owner of the library and the two workers. They were older than him but not that all. The owner's name was Baekhyun and the other workers name were Yugyeom and Lalisa, Lisa for short. They loved him no matter what, he was a small cute bunny in their eyes.

They didn't find him disgusting cause they all were gay af. He was the only single in them what a luck huh? Anyways.

His days were not special for him. He always got up, went to school, worked in the library then went back to his place. He wished he could change his life but he knew he couldn't.
There was nothing interesting going on.

Well expect one thing, one thing that caught his attention, months later from him starting working there. It was a man always wearing a black mask and a black suit that looks very expensive, he also had black hair.
The man always stood out in the crowd.

This mysterious man always visited the cute simple library. His eyes were never living the young boy's movements. Jungkook could swear that man plans to kill him or harm him in another way, the thoughts about these made him get terrified. After the man leaves the library, Jungkook would go next to one of his friends and tell them a man was stalking him but they would always say none of them saw or heard of that man, which made Jungkook get more confused and scared.

Soon Jungkook gave up, he told himself he was getting paranoid all of a sudden and he was imagining things. Well little did he know 'that man' was real, breathing and eyeing him non-stop.


He got from his comfy bed and walked- more like waddled towards the bathroom across his room. The bathroom was small but very clean. He took off his clothes and went in the shower. He shivered as cold water touched his soft skin. He used his favorite shampoo, a mix of strawberry and cherry scents. It gave a feeling to him, relaxing his body.

Then he got out the shower and brushed his teeth and styled his pinkish-red hair after drying it.
He smiled at himself through the mirror and went out of the bathroom back to his room with only a towel around his tiny waist.

They didn't need to wear an uniform so he would just wear daily clothes like what he does on  holidays. He wore a lilac hoodie and black tight pants that literally served his tights to people who drools over them like hungry animals. He grabbed his coat and his phone, putting it in his coat's pocked and went out the apartment locking the door after him.

The weather was good today still cold but not at all atleast he wasn't shivering. He put his earphones on and started walking towards the library. He had more time until his shift starts but he liked arriving there earlier, the others didn't mind it at all. He unlocked the huge doors of the library with the key Baekhyun gave him, knowing the younger will be there earlier than him again. He went in, the warm feeling he feels in his small apartment came back to him. He smiled as he walked over the hanger and hung his coat.

As he got ready, customers  already started to fill the library.
He was trying to help them find the books they wanted or put the books back to their places that some customers left them on the tables which are in the center of the library.

But most of the customers were coming there to have a talk with him, eyeing him up and down with lustful eyes. Slightly touching him here and there but he was too innocent to notice what on earth was going on so he just let them be, he thought he was doing his job good.

Well he didn't mind so it's okay yeah right but, it did bother someone. And that someone wanted to kill every living human whose eyes meet with Jungkook's body, oh the thought of it made him get really excited- but he couldn't cause of Jungkook. He knew how the young one would get scared and ran away from him so he kept his thoughts to himself but he couldn't stop the anger increase his blood boiling in him.

Okay okay let's turn our attention all back to our little bunny boy shall we?

As Jungkook was walking between the bookshelves, he felt a pair of eyes on him again. He turned his head to both sides to make sure if there was someone but there was nothing. He shrugged it off and continued walking with books between his arms, pressed on his chest.

Then he felt a hot breath near the crook of his neck. He put one hand were he felt the breath and turned to his left backing a little.
"U-um... wh-who is there?"
His breath hitched as he heard a voice this time on right, too close to his right ear. The voice made him drop all the books between his arms and chest on the floor.

"All mine..."
He again, turned around but yet again met with nothing.
'What is going on?!' He thought to himself.

"Oi! Jungkook i finally found you!"
He almost screamed at the voice of his friend, Yugyeom who was coming next to him.
"O-oh my ducking god!  You scared me don't yell again like that please!" He then pouted placing a hand on his chest.
Yugyeom chuckled at him then crouched down to pick up the books from the floor then he raised up.
"Okay okay! Anyways let's go to the others alright?" He asked as he already was heading to the main entrance where the others were waiting for them. "Okay..." he mumbled and for the last time, he looked at his back, right and left.

He sighed, there was still nothing strange. But deep down he knew that voice won't let him go.

He started following Yugyeom not realizing the smirking man in the shadows.


Edit: just fixed a problem about the 'school uniform' part.

Edit: just fixed a problem about the 'school uniform' part

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〘ENG〙「 All Mine - Taek∞k 」✓Where stories live. Discover now