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Both boys arrived where the others were. Baekhyun looked up at them with a worried face when he saw them coming up next to them.
Jungkook quickly understood something was off he looked at Baekhyun with a confused face.

"What is going on Hyung? Is there something bothering you?" He asked as he tilted his head to his right.
"Well... yes Kookie but not only me, all of us especially you. Some men came here two days ago and told us they bought this place and they said we had only one whole day to get out from here." Jungkook's eyes widened at the bad news. He looked at Lisa and he saw the sadness in her eyes then looked at Yugyeom who was smiling minutes ago, was now frowning as well.

"B-but why? And w-what does that have to do with me?!" He asked he was way confused. Baekhyun sighed then continued his words.
"Believe me i don't really have a single idea about the reason...and the part about you is, well we will need to get out here and we all have a place to go but you don't have... it makes me get even more worried Kookie we don't want you to become jobless, you are already living bu yourself."

He finally understood what he meant. "Kookie you can stay with one of us if you want to." Lisa said as she put her hand on his shoulder patting it slowly.
"N-no i don't want to bother any of you but thank you anyway."
"Kookie it's okay really you can stay with us." Yugyeom suggested again. "N-no it's okay don't worry that doesn't mean that i won't contact with you guys by the way why didn't any of you told me about this earlier?" He pouted, he was working here so he needed to know about this earlier right?
"It all happend all of a sudden and we couldn't just come up on you and told you this... we're sorry Kooks." Lisa said as she pulled her hand back and bit her bottom lip.
Jungkook smiled a little. "It's okay i'm not mad at any of you."

"Well then if you say so...okay then all of you can start packing your things at the end of the day, let's enjoy our last day here alright?" Baekhyun said as he sighed again trying to put a smile on his face. They all nodded and went back to work for the last time.


"Will they get out soon?"

"Yes they will don't worry, and about that bunny boy, what are you gonna do to him huh?"

"Oh don't think that i'll hurt him hyung, he's all mine he belongs to me! I won't hurt him unless he refuses me..."

"God you're just pure evil Tae. Now he's jobless because of you."  Jimin, his best friend said as he put his finger tips on his temple, rubbing them.

"Well i don't care, he won't need that shitty job when he gets here."
Taehyung said as he raised up from his spot walking next to his best friend pattinf his back.

"Okay enough about this shit i'm going now see ya." Jimin sighed as he got up and made his way out of the room. Taehyung watched him leave then turned around looking at the photos of his bunny boy on the wall. He smirked as he eyed every picture of him. He was the most innocent boy he has ever seen in his life and that took his attention way faster than he thought.

"You'll be between my hands soon bunny wait and see..."


The day ended quickly, Jungkook couldn't believe the day was almost getting to an end. He looked out the giant window at the entrance seeing sun settling down.
Lisa was dusting the shelves and Yugyeom was organising the books. Sure they didn't need to do any of these but they couldn't help it. They knew they will miss every  single moment they had here. Baekhyun came next to Jungkook putting an arm around his shoulder pulling him to his chest.

"Don't do anything stupid alright? If you need anything we're all will be here for you no matter what."
He said as he kissed his forehead, soon the other two joined the hug.
"Promise to us Jungkook-ah."

He smiled as tears were already sliding down from his eyes.
"I promise."


That was it.
The place was shutted down for forever. They all separated their ways to their houses. He sighed as he looked at his back seeing their shadows dissapear a they walked further than him. Then he looked at the place, the closed sign made his heart brake into pieces but he couldn't do anything about it.
Everything was over only memories playing in front if his eyes kept him smile but that was not enough.

He finally turned around walking slowly on the street. He put his hands in his coat's pockets trying to keep them warm.
He was all alone again.

He arrived at the entrance of the apartment he was living. He walked up to the door but felt the same strange feeling again.
'Oh no not again...'  he shook his head and took out his keys.
As he was about to unlock the door he felt an arm grab him by his waist and a hand with a cloth pressing on his face. He tried to scream but he didn't have a chance against the tight grib around him.
He held his breath but soon he couldn't hold it.

His eyes started to close, as he saw black dots in front of his sight. Then darkness took over him.


After he became conscious back he felt sheets under him. He looked up and saw a black ceiling. He blinked repeatly then raised up. He was in a black-red colored bedroom. This wasn't his room he put his hand on his forehead hissing at the pain.

"W-where am i?..."
He stood up and saw himself at the mirror next to the king-sized bed.
His eyes widened and a blush appeared on his cheeks.
He wasn't wearing his clothes now, maid like a costume was on him.
'W-who made me wear this?!'
He looked around for his clothes but they weren't there, he ran towards the closet to find any other clothes but there was nothing expect all the girl clothes either.

He sighed as he slowly made his way to the door, turning the knob he went out the room. Now he was standing at a huge dark corridor. He shivered but then he saw light coming from a certain room at the end of the corridor. He started to tip-toe there and slowly opened the huge door.

There was a chimney on his right and a big table and a chair in front of him. He was about to close the huge doors but yet again he felt two arms around his waist pressing him to a chest.
He couldn't hesitate to look at his back and he froze in his spot.

His breath hitched as he heard the same voice again.

"It's so rude of you to walk in a room before you ask for permission that is not yours bunny... what should i do with you now huh?"


〘ENG〙「 All Mine - Taek∞k 」✓Where stories live. Discover now