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What's up y'all
this bitch missed you 😔💞


The couple and their friends- except Yoongi and Jimin weren't with them which surprised them cause they were not responding to their calls...anyways, got out of Taehyung's car. Now they all were facing Mr. Kim's so famous but not so famous at the same time company. Jungkook felt how Taehyung's hands were starting to shake as he went trough another one but not as much as the last time. He held the elder's hand more tightly trying to make him understand that he was there for him no matter what, and just like what he thought Taehyung got the message sighing to himself before facing his friends.

"Okay let's get in and get out quickly within a blink of an eye, okay? I don't wanna stay here longer than we should."

"Why are we wearing masks can someone explain again?" HS

"It's because that we need to hide ourself. As you can see, this place, this company is only known between men who are possibly a member of a gang or a killer... maybe something we habe never heard about before." TH

"Oh... okaay." HS

"Let's get in. Although the inside is more dangerous than the outside, we still have a meeting to be attended." SJ

Taehyung nodded comfirming his hyung's words.

"Let's end this here."


Mr. Kim heard a knock on his door, calling out a 'come in' for whoever is at the back of his dark office room's door. One of his men came in, staying next to the door. The man cleared his throat to get the attention of his boss which he successfully achieved to. Mr. Kim glared at him with his famous blank expression just waiting for that man to say whatever he was planning to.

"Boss, your son Kim Taehyung has arrived with his friends waitinf for your order."

"Perfect, let them in. Now."

"Okay boss."

The man walked out and five minutes later, he was back with Taehyung and the others. Jungkook was now once again further from Taehyung, you could see how sad he was by his slightly pouty lips standing next to Seokjin.

"Come closer boys i won't bite you." Mr. Kim chuckled with his raspy voice, not giving the safe feeling with his voice to them but they came closer and sat down on the couchs around the circle coffee table in the middle of the office.

As Taehyung was upto be the first one to start the conversation, his mother, Mrs. Kim came in- mostly like barged in with her strange and creepy looking grin on her lips inside. Immediately standing above Taehyung with her palms pressing on his shoulders, Taehyung letting out a short groan from the rough grip on his shoulders. She bowed a little to be at the same level as her son's ear whispering at him.

"Honey can you walk out for a coffee with your dad? It's between you and him."

Taehyung turned his head to look up at his mother. None of the others heard his mother since he was the only one sitting on one of the amrchairs in the office, the closest one to him was Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin and Hoseok were sitting on the couch across the two but still Namjoon couldn't hear Mrs. Kim due to her whispering.

〘ENG〙「 All Mine - Taek∞k 」✓Where stories live. Discover now