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Letting eveything out,

Not going against your lips

As they helped your heart

To tell the world know that

You 「loved」them

But would it change anything?

He hoped it won't

But it did

It didn't only changed

It also started over


Over and over again...


Yoongi was once out of his work place, his studio the thoughts of that night never leaving his mind creating lots of clouds, he felt like he was too high to even breath, see his front. It was getting late again, he thought everything was going well and thought that maybe, he had a chance to win that pure heart of that young man but he couldn't, he just couldn't.

He knew it in the first place
but he said,

'Fuck it!'

Which didn't end well, just like the first time. He wanted to give himself, his heart another chance but his heart failed him once again.

Yoongi showed his hands in his front pockets of his jean's as he continued walking on the sideways. He should have been at his home long time ago but he wanted to take more time working to avoid being alone in a quiet place, just like his house. He passed by a coffee shop which was the only coffee shop he visited to get his coffee because it was the only coffee near by his studio.
The bell above the door started ringing as he went into the coffee shop, his lips forming into a little smile as the smell of hot coffee reaches his nose. Coffee always made him feel much better whenever he felt down or stressed. He walked up to the woman who was the only one standing by herself waiting for a costumer while the others were jogging around with plates and coffee cups on their hands.
He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings as he arrived next to that woman seeing the smile on her face turn into an awkward one. Yoongi looked where she was staring at and his eyes met with a person's eyes, someone he never wanted to be this close again.

It was Jimin himself, standing next to him with a dumbfounded expression on his face lips slightly parted due to his surprise.

Without saying a word Yoongi backed away to give his, well half of his place to Jimin so he could buy himself whatever he wants. Yoongi gulped, eyes glued to the dark wooden floor under his feet waiting for Jimin to pay and walk away. Which ended pretty quickly than he thought it would and let his breath out as he saw the familiar pair of shoes went further than him. Yoongi then raised his head up, woman's sad smile becoming the first thing he sees. "I shouldn't be asking but... were you two too close to eachother before? Like boyfriends or something?" Yoongi blinked several times and as a result he nodded his head. "Huh? Oh yeah... we were. What about it?" She shook her head side ways, well it was obvious for her to understand quicker which confused Yoongi, like sure she could have figured that out they literally looked into their eachother's soul trough their eyes a minute straight but you know, guessing the 'boyfriend' part it really confused him.
"It's easy to see how you two felt at the moment when you stared into eachother's eyes and i can assume that something really bad happend right? Oh and i almost forgot my job here..." she rubbed her neck feeling a bit dumb by her actions but continued on, shrugging it off. "What would you like to get sir?" As Yoongi heard some of the new customers complains from the line forming at his back, he told her what he wanted in a rush and sat on a table near the huge window of the coffee shop's. After awhile, she came up to him with his coffee cup in her hands and sat in front of him placing the coffee on the table, pushing it towards Yoongi with her pale fingers. "Thank you... but shouldn't you be working now?" She placed her arms on the table shrugging her  shoulders. "We all sometimes sit with our customers and talk with them." Yoongi rasied an eyebrow at her words. "I have never done something like this here before."

〘ENG〙「 All Mine - Taek∞k 」✓Where stories live. Discover now