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"Okay Jungkook repeat what you'll say over again."

"Oh c'mon hyung! I already did like what? Twenty times! It's not a big deal."

"Well we're talking about Taehyung's family so yeah it is.
Now repeat your little speech."

"Ugh... okay well, hello i'm Jung-"


Jin and Jungkook flinched as they heard Hoseok's voice from the other part of the mansion as Jin was trying to make Jungkook memorize everything and don't stutter in front of Taehyung's family. The two quickly raised up from their spots and walked towards the entrance of the mansion, the gate. During that the others joined them too and they all made it up there, Taehyung was first to be arrived waiting for his parents to get out of the car already and end everything quickly.
Jungkook was about to go next to Taehyung but he immediately stopped himself from his thoughts and stood next to Jin, who was far enough from Taehyung. As he did, he could feel eyes on him and he knew who was the owner he sighed, he hated this but he had to, they had to be away from eachother. Then they heard car doors getting closed loudly, bringing an high pitched voice whit it.

"Taehyung! My sweet handsome baby! Come here to give your mom a hug!"

"Ah shit here we go again..."

"Jimin shut the fuck up."

Taehyung sighed as he made his way towards the woman, who was standing there like an idiot waiting for a hug in Taehyung's opinion but oh well she will get that hug no matter what. Taehyung wrapped his arms around his mother's waist resting his chin on her shoulder feeling the arms he never wanted to be wrapped around him again doing the opposite. "Awww i missed you so much! It's been awhile since i've seen you, you're getting more attractive day by day just like your father."

'Yeah right like him...'

Taehyung rolled his eyes making sure his mother didn't see it coming. After that, Taehyung saw his dad walking towards them as his mother moved away from him, going for the other six boys giving them hugs. As she was about to give a hug to Jungkook she stopped her movements and just blinked while standing still, oh if only Taehyung knew how Jungkook was sweating too close to melting and sticking on the floor. Taehyung's dad hugged him too then moved away quickly, patting the young man's shoulder. Mr Kim looked at his wife seeing her with a person he hasn't seen before, raising an eyebrow. Taehyung gulped then turned around seeing Jungkook starting to talk to answer the woman's question.

"Oh... who are you? A new manager or something?"
Mrs. Kim looked at Taehyung before turning back at Jungkook.
Taehyung thought Jungkook was going to faint by seeing how his chest going up and down goes decreasing. Taehyung noticed Jungkook stare at him for a second then put on a smile on his lips as he decided not to keep waiting Mr. and Mrs. Kim. He bowed ar first,
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Jungkook.
And no I'm not Taehyung's manager or anything, i'm just a new friend of him and also Jin hyung's cousin." He finished talking to see their reaction, at first he saw how they were just standing there looking at him with blank expressions.

'Did i say something wrong? Are they getting suspicious already?'

Now he was panicking again like the others especially Taehyung but seconds later Jungkook felt himself pulled into a tight hug by Mrs. Kim which surprised the shit out all of them. After awhile watching their hug scene, she pulled away smiling widely at him. Jungkook thought his eyes were going to pop out as she started pinching his both cheeks to the sides, making his shake to which direction she's pinching. "Oh my god you're soo cute! Look at you! You look a little bunny! Awww i just want to hug you all day!" "Ugh... um t-thank you." A blush started to appear on his cheeks as he stuttered.
She backed away giving space for the younger 'finally' he thought but it was too early as Mr. Kim hugged him too, patting just like what he did to his own son then pulled away smiling at him.
"He's also so polite to us, it's wonderful to know Taehyung gets himself more kind friends like you."
"T-Thank you Mr. Kim."
They saw Taehyung finally walking closer to them, not forgetting to wink at the younger before his parents could turn around to face him seeing the blush on the younger's cheeks getting more noticeable. "Okay let's just get inside and have a dinner alright? Maybe you can tell us what happend since the last time we saw eachother." "Oh good idea! But please don't tell me you made one of the maids or Jin to cook for tonight, i want to do that."
"No mom no one did because i knew you'd ask for it."
She clapped her hands together twice smiling. "Well it's settled then! Let's get inside."
They walked inside, his father following right after them before making sure to tell the man standing near the gate call some of the maids to get their luggage inside the mansion. Except his dad, Taehyung and Jungkook were the last one's to get inside, Jungkook felt a breath near his ear recognizing it's Taehyung's.
"You did good baby i'll reward you soon..." he looked at his back to see no one there.

'Oh no not again whit this shit!'

Jungkook sighed as he walked into the kitchen to see Mrs. Kim cooking with Jin helping her.
Jungkook decided to act more polite arround them, act like he wants to help them to make sure he's doing well to rout out them from getting suspicious of him.
"Is there anything i can help you with?" She looked back at him and smiled shaking her head as a no.
"Oh no need for that honey you can go inside." "Okay then just wanted to know." As Jungkook was going out from the kitchen he heard her talking about how he was such a good boy, he smiled it was working step by step.

The food was ready and so the table in the dining room which was used for just guests or families. They all sat down and started eating right after Mr. Kim starts to eat and thanking Mrs. Kim and Jin for the dinner. The dinner was going well, sometimes the Kims would start a conversation or just listen to the boy's conversation except that, Taehyung and Jungkook would glance at eachother secretly. "So Jungkookie, honey i'd like to know about you more." Jungkook looked up quickly as he heard his name being called.
"Well um... okay." "So... i assume that you're pretty young from the others right?" "Yes i am."
"And who are you living with exactly?" "My parents... passed away, yeah they did due to a car accident and now i'm living with Jin hyung and Tae hyung thanks to them." "Oh i'm sorry for your lost i wish i could meet them too, I'm sure they were kind people as you."

'Yeah right they are...'
Jungkook mentally rolled his eyes while wishing for the questions to come to an end, which they did but... the next thing he heardー no the boys heard made them almost choke on their food, especially Jungkook and Taehyung.

"I think this is the right moment to tell you all something very important... Taehyung, honey you're getting married soon."


Oh no :((

〘ENG〙「 All Mine - Taek∞k 」✓Where stories live. Discover now