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It was only silence around them untill Jungkook broke it. He placed his hand on the elder's shoulder, as he did Taehyung's eyes met with his own ones he was too nervous Jungkook could tell that, he could see how Taehyung's orbs were shaking with fear and as a result he decided to talk first because it looked like none of them had the guts to start talking. "They'll visit us? And they'll also stay here right?" Taehyung shook his head.
"Who knows how many days, i-i don't want to be with them not even want to see both." Jungkook pulled him into a warm side-hug.
"Don't worry about them everything will be okay."
"Well..." all of them glanced at Jin, who parted his lips after clearing his throat. "...You should have already learned how his parents are, i assume that they don't like young relationships especially if they're the same sex, you two should be careful i can't even imagine what they'll say or do."
'Yeah... you can't imagine but you can after experiencing it.' Taehyung sighed to his thought, Jin was right it will be difficult for the couple to even stand next to eachother in front of his parents. They sure will get suspect about them and try to inquire about it until they find out if they were correct or not, and if you ask Taehyung they can find about them and if they do he won't be surprised, but eventually anxiousness will be the only thing that fills his mind. He can go blind by the fear, not about them hurting him but this time it's about Jungkook. He doesn't want them to even only press their finger on him, not to his single part. It'd be easy to think that why can't he fight back towards them, right? But he just can't he can be the owner of the most known company or be the strongest but he knew that his parents and specially his dad will be more strong than him no matter what. Of course his dad's status was higher than him but he knew something no one knows, yes his father was sometimes working with the other companies but from the closet doors, he mostly worked with mafia gangs or some hideous men. He doesn't know their names or how they're related with his dad but he didn't care, if his father was too busy and not around him that's all mattered to Taehyung.

"Jin Hyung is right, Tae what do you have in your mind?" Jimin asked he was nervous as fuck but surely not as much as Taehyung. He too saw just like Jin, what his parents were like to this kind of situations and never wanted to learn what they did he just knew that if they're really mad they kill or torture them, the thought about it sent chills to his body again just like it does everytime.
"I... i don't know, i'll need to think about this and since i don't have any idea about this. I wanted to tell you all and have your help."
"Okay um... first of all you two need to be far from eachother as much as possible until they go back and we need to introduce Jungkook to them as your friend."

'Friend...' Jungkook's throat hurt as he gulped, that word made his stomach hurt and his mind dizzy. It wasn't right, it wasn't feeling right and never will. He felt his hand getting caged by another hand, he looked down to see it was Taehyung's hand it looks like he got what Jungkook was thinking.
Jungkook sighed, it will be hard for them but they had to for the sake of their relationship and also their lifes. Unlike Jimin, he could imagine what they could do if they find out them being a couple at the end. He shivered slightly, he didn't want to risk anything so he accepted to act like that for awhile.
"Okay... i'll do that." Jungkook said as he nodded. "But what if they ask Jungkook where his parents are? who he is? how we all met with him? Where he's working?"
Hoseok said glancing at everyone one by one. "Hobi is right, we need to think about this too..." Jin said, he was resting his chin on his palms trying to think.
"How about we say... Jungkook is Jin's cousin and he was trying to find a job so Jin hyung suggested him to help him here, how does that sound?" Namjoon said glancing back at Jungkook then at Taehyung. "It could work, let's give it a try." As Jimin's sentence came to an end, Taehyung immediately parted his lips. "But we have only one chance..." Taehyung felt the hand under his own one getting on top of his and being held tightly.
He looked down at his hand then looked up at Jungkook, who was smiling sadly. "Let's give it a try and use our only chance carefully, okay? We'll get over it together."

They were both looking into eachother's eyes, Jungkook trying to comfort Taehyung. Not noticing a pair of eyes glaring at both of them and mostly at Taehyung.


"Taehyung how are you doing darling?"

"I'm doing good mom, how about you? Are you near?"

"Yes we're. Only hours left and i'll be able to see my handsome son!"

Taehyung fake laughed right after hearing his mother's laughs trough the call. He hated this, he hated talking with them and would you look at that? They'll be hear soon and he has to see them not by a video call, they'll he face-to-face.
"Oh Taehyung my baby, i need to go now i'll see you soon. Take care."
"Okay you too..." Taehyung pulled away his phone and looked at the screen, seeing the call ended showing. He ran his hand trough his hair slightly pulling at it, he was in his room alone. Jungkook was with Jin talking about things and he assumed that their conversation was mostly about his parents. Soon later he heard a sound coming from the door, he looked up to see Jungkook walking in alone. He stood there for a second, sadness showing in his eyes. Taehyung smiled and stretched his arms to the both sides asking for a hug. Jungkook walked up to him slowly and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's broad shoulders, burying his face into the crook of his neck. Then Taehyung copied him, he wrapped his arms around Jungkook facing between the younger's collar bones. His scent was the most beautiful and relaxing thing for Taehyung, he could just stay like this forever just to get to smell the scent, he was addicted to it. An addiction he never wanted to lose.

"I'll miss your company..."
He heard Jungkook talking without looking at him, he was still in the same position not wanting to let go of the elder. "Me either but we have to put up with it until they're not here then we don't need to act like that, okay?" Taehyung waited for an answer from the younger but he didn't get any, so he pulled away just to face the younger but he wished to never pull away.
There he was, tears rolling down from his shaded cheeks brows frowned upwards while his front teeth were chewing on his lower lip. "Oh no no baby don't cry, you shouldn't cry for this. It will be okay believe me." Hiccups started leaving the younger's lips as he immediately burried his face back into his neck, his tears wetting his neck as his hands pulled at the fabric of the elder's black tee. Taehyung didn't care he just rubbed his back while leaving small kisses to his exposed collar bones trying to comfort Jungkook, it was his turn to comfort now.

It was easy to do now, but he didn't know how he'll be able to be there for the younger during the visit of his parents. They could only wait for now, they could do nothing about this.


I'm a bit better now and decided to update again.

His parents are near, they're coming. 👀👀

Idk why I'm getting excited suddenly SKSKSK

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