XLVII [M 1/2]

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Taehyung groaned again in annoyance as his phone rang for the nth time today.

They all had their dinner and after playing board games for two hours, after Jimin following his boyfriend who had left the living room to get some sleep they all decided on call it a day and parted their ways to their rooms wishing everyone to have a good night.

Jungkook plopped down next to the elder with a towel drying his damp hair, it had grown since he didn't mind how it grew reaching his chin. The hot pink color it had at the begging now dissappeared.

"Still calling?" Jungkook asked, feeling like they've been dealing with a dumbass teenager who was asking for money, too confident over his muscles to care who they were dealing with.

Taehyung hummed, stealing a kiss from Jungkook's nose. He had been mad for an hour now since they got to their room, the two didn't want to sleep just now and switched on the TV but none of them had actually payed attention to it since Taehyung's phone never stopped and Jungkook went to take a shower. Even when he came back to the room, his attention was on Taehyung's phone too

Jungkook tried to be patient with it, knowing Taehyung was fumming with anger Jungkook knew he had to ease Taehyung's anger. If he gets out of control, Jungkook will be there to stop it.

"Just switch it off Taehyungie..." Jungkook nuzzled his nose to Taehyung's neck, closing his eyes as he hums, seaking for him to answer since Taehyung didn't talk much when it all started.

"Yeah? Then that asshole comes back all the way here with who knows how many men at this hour.
I don't want the others to learn or get involved in this. I'll solve this on my own..." Taehyung excused himself to outside, leaving Jungkook on the bed with pouty lips.

At least they had TV in their room.

Taehyung looked down at his phone's screen, he looked back inside to see Jungkook laying down with his bathrobe on, chin resting in his palm as he was watching TV then looked back at the screen, sighing as he tried to calm himself and after he did, he accepted the call.

"Took you long enough."

Taehyung gritted his teeth.

'It's that old bastard again.'

"Should have guessed it was you, using people to do everything for you huh? Couldn't come all the way here yourself. pathetic."

"Cut it, bring the money or don't expect from me to be generous about what I'll take instead."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, he was fed up with people asking for money.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'm fed up with you and people like you's bullshit. You'll get your money but stay away from me alright?" TH

"Wait wha-what?" the man stuttered out, completely shocked at how Taehyung gave up. 

"You heard me. Now shut it and never call again or you'll hear more from me than what you can threaten me, got it? Bye fuck you." Taehyung ended the call, showing the now switched off phone back to his pocket and got in to be met with half sleepy half awake Jungkook.

〘ENG〙「 All Mine - Taek∞k 」✓Where stories live. Discover now