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[Jin Hyung calling...]

Accept | Decline

[29 Missed Calls]


[MyBaby💞 calling...]

Accept | Decline

Taehyung stopped in front of the familiar mansion, this mansion was bigger than his mansion.
This area was hidden no one could find it except him and his parents. Because the owner was none other than the one who's the father of the girl he was supposed to be marrying with. He heard his phone ringing as he was eyeing the place, he looked down at his pocket and pulled his phone out to see who was calling him, it was Jin hyung himself. He declined the call and was about to put his phone back into his pocket but it started to ring again. He groaned and switched off his phone and turned it's volume down not glancing at the screen to see who was calling, thinking it was probably Jin hyung or the others again. He took a deep breath to keep himself calm but it was no use. He walked trough the gate to get in after talking with the guard outside, he has been here many times with his parents to have a talk with that man so everyone who works here knew who Taehyung was in the first place so it wasn't a big deal to get in for him. He knocked after arriving in front of the door waiting for someone to open it, a butler came and opened the door bowing right after seeing Taehyung standing there. He looked to Taehyung's right and left to see if Mr. and Mrs. Kim were there too but there was none. "Good morning Mr. Kim, it's been so long since the last time i saw you here. Please get in i'll inform Mr. Chung about your visit." Taehyung nodded and watched until the man disappeared from his sight then walked into the guests room where he was going every time he came here to wait for the man.
He looked around the wide room, it's color was changed to a more bright color, other than that everything was the same as before.

"Taehyung, son is that you?"

He turned around to see the old wealthy man standing on the door frame, smiling. Taehyung stared back at him with a blank expression not needing to put on a smiley face in return he knew the man was just acting, he never loved Taehyung just like Taehyung never did but the man acted like this to show his daughter that there's no problem between them. She hated to see the two man glaring at them like you could see the hatred with in them and guess how they wanted eachother to be death but she managed to stop it by talking with her father but when she tried to talk with Taehyung, he just rejected to talk with her. They have never had a proper coversation except the ones when the Kim family came to have a dinner with them whenever Mr. Chung invited them so HyeHwa could have a chance to see Taehyung and get a reply back from him with the force of Kim's.
"Yes it's me Mr. Chung i came here to have a short conversation with you." "Is it about the wedding? Oh don't start with that..." Mr. Chung came near and sat on an armchair showing the chouch next to him. "...but i know how much you hate it as much as i do too, so make it quick." As he was told, Taehyung sat next to him only turning his head towards the man who's waiting for Taehyung to start. "I want you to cancel the wedding since my parents not listening to me, please." Mr. Chung blinked several times then started to laugh at him, Taehyung's one eye brow raising trying to get why the man found his sentence that funny. "What's so funny? We're on the same side, aren't we?" The man put his hand on his stomache trying to ease the pain from laughing that much.
"Oh Taehyung, you can't be this dumb to think it's that easy..."
Mr. Chung put his elbows on his knees as he came closer to him, now he was looking up at Taehyung. "Look. I hate to admit it but your family is wealthy as us and my daughter is in love with you, i don't want her to be happy so i can't cancel it by myself. Also there is one more thing too..." Taehyung shifted on his spot, he didn't know what this man was talking about. He doubted that it was not a thing that he shouldn't be worrying about. "What are you talking about?" Mr. Chung smirked at him, cracking his knuckles slowly, one by one. "Your parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kim they wanted my family's, mine money to pay for their needs. I, of course accepted it and gave them money. I'm a wealthy man as you can see so it wasn't problem, still not but, until today they're still continuing on asking for money from me-"

"But why?  Why are they needing money? My parents never told me about having financial problems..."

"Well... it looks like they lied to you."

Taehyung turned his head to his front, looking on the floor as he chewed on his lower lip. He just couldn't believe at it, not only about the money also the lies they have told him in his entire life.
They have always said that they could do, buy, get everything they wanted to but with the money they called 'theirs' although it wasn't theirs, it was always Mr. Chung's money. As Taehyung stayed quiet, Mr. Chung continued to talk.
"So... they promised to me to pay back all the money they borrowed from my company but they never did and won't, i know them as much as you or even more than you know them Taehyung. They took money to pay their needs so they could get drugs, weapons with their own and at the end, they ended up being in debt.

Do you want to know why I'm telling you this Taehyung?"

Taehyung glanced up at the man next to him, he nodded his head not trusting his voice.

"Because i made a deal with them, my daughter will get married with you so they won't need to pay me back."


Assholes 😠

Anyways lol
Today there will be double  update because i want to continue this part.

Pleaasee wish me luck with my Biology exam! It will be tomorrow. I studied but i don't think i'm ready for it 😅 i hate biology  😔

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