chapter 3

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Skylar’s Pov

So me and Louis are going to tell management and the boys about the baby. I am so scared about what management and the boys will think. If they take it well then we have to tell Louis’ family. I love his family because they are just so nice to me and his sisters treat me like their older sister. I then will have to tell my parents, I just don’t know how they will react, everyone really. Will they react ok and be happy for us or not?

I woke up to stomach pains again and so I shot up and went straight to the toilet and emptied the content in my stomach. Louis came in 2 seconds after me and held my hair and I heard the tap go. I continued to throw up and when I finished Louis gave me a glass of water and my tooth brush, and I took it from his and brushed my teeth and spat the tooth paste out and rinsed with a glass of water. I got up and lay on the bed and Louis laid next to me.

“You ok now” he says and I nod

“Yeah I don’t think its morning sickness, it could be but it could also be nerves you know what I’m like when I get nervous” I say

“Yeah I do but you’re never this bad” he says

“Oh well better get some breakfast and then start getting ready. What time is the meeting” I say

“Noon and its 9 now so I’ll start breakfast you go have a shower and then I can have one and then we can go. How does that sound” he says

“Well you could shower with me to save water” I say

“Well if you insist” he says and picks me up and takes me into the bathroom.

He sits me on the toilet seat cover and he turns on the water, once it’s the right temperature he smiles at me and helps me get undressed and then he undressed himself and we step in the shower.

“What first hair or body” he says

“Body” I say and he nods and grabs the shower gel and puts it in his hands.

He rubs it around and then he rinses me off. I then grab it and rub it between my hands and rub it all over him and then rinse him off. He grabs the shampoo and rubs it in my hair and then rinses that out and I do the same to him. Once we were done he gets out and grabs a towel for his waist and then another for my body. He wraps it round and then I get out and go into the bedroom and get dressed. Louis comes in and hugs me and then I turn round and kiss him. We see its 10am and then we go down and I make waffles for breakfast.

Once we ate we washed up and saw it was 11am so we decided to leave because it took an hour to get to the office. Once we arrive we get out and Jade the girl on the desk says we can go up and we knock on the door to Simon’s office

“Ok guys what is going on” he says

“Um, we have some news” Louis says

“What kind of news” Harry says

“Well I’m pregnant and Louis’ the father” I say

“Wow congratulations” Liam says and the boys congratulate us

“Are you sure Skylar” Simon says and I nod

“Ok well congratulations but you must tell the fans” he says and we nod

“Ok I’ll send a tweet as soon as I get home” Louis says

“Ok then well congratulations” he says and we leave

Niall said he wanted to celebrate so we said we would go to Nando’s, so when we arrived we ordered and the boys had a few drinks, Liam and Louis and I didn’t as Louis and Liam were driving and I was pregnant so didn’t get a choice so we were on cola. As soon as we left and got home Louis sent the tweet out.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Just to say me and skylar are expecting a baby, please don’t hate

Everyone started to congratulate us, some were mean but perks of being a famous boy bands girlfriend

I'm pregnant with Louis Tomlinson's BabyWhere stories live. Discover now