chapter 21

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Louis’ pov

God I am so fucking nervous. I am getting married to the love of my life and mother of my child. I honestly can’t believe me and Skylar have been dating for so long and now we are getting married. I can’t even do my own tie and my mum had to do it for me. I heard a knock on the door and Harry walks in.

“Mate, pull yourself together you are getting married today, And to the love of your life and mother of your child. Nothing will go wrong I promise” he says

"How do you know" i say

"Because you've been through so much" he says

"I guess your right I shouldn't be nervous." i say

"That’s the spirit now do your tie and get ready we are leaving in 5 minutes" he says and I nod

When I get downstairs everyone is there. Mum takes some pictures of me and the boys before I get married and then we all get in the cars.

We get there and we are all talking in the car and someone speaks

"Can I get a picture before you are all not married yet" they says and we look up and see Uncle Simon. He takes a picture and hugs us and we all go inside.

Skylar’s pov

We have just arrived at the church and I start to get nervous

“Don’t worry Skylar everything will be fine” he says and I smile

We get out and the music starts and I walk down the aisle and see everyone. Louis was standing smiling at me. All the boys stood behind him and Stan also, I smiled and mum looked like she was about to cry. Jay also, she had Sam in her lap and her and mum kept here going backwards and forwards between them.

“Good Afternoon ladies and gentleman and welcome to the marriage of Louis William Tomlinson and Skylar Victoria Jones” the priest says

“This place in which we are now met has been duly sanctioned according to law for the celebration of marriage.  This ceremony will unit Louis and Skylar in marriage. We are here to celebrate their union and to honour their commitment to each other.  Today both couples will proclaim their love for one another.  We celebrate with them and for them. If any person present knows of any lawful impediment to this marriage they should declare it now.” the priest continues

“Marriage joins two people in the circle of its love.  It is a commitment to life, the best that two people can find and bring out in each other. It offers opportunities for learning and growth that no other opportunity can equal. It is both a physical and emotional joining that is promised for a lifetime.  Happiness is fuller, memories are fresher and commitment is deeper.  Marriage understands and forgives the mistakes that life is unable to avoid. When two people pledge their love and care for each other within a marriage they create a spirit which binds them closer than any spoken or written words.  Marriage is a promise written in the hearts of two people who love each other and it takes a lifetime to fulfill.” The priests says

“The purpose of marriage is that you always love, care for and support each other through both the joys and sorrows of life.  Today you will exchange vows of marriage which will unite you as husband and wife.  These vows are a promise of a lifelong commitment giving your families and friend s the opportunity to meet together in celebration of your happiness, imparting their own message of love and support.” The priest says

“Before you are both joined together in marriage it is my duty to remind you of the solemn and binding character of the vows you are about to make.  Marriage in this country is the union of two people voluntarily entered into for life to the exclusion of all others.I am now going to ask you each in turn to declare that you know of no legal reason why you may not be joined together in marriage.” The priest then says

“I do solemnly declare – that I know not – of any lawful impediment – why I Louis William Tomlinson may not be joined in marriage to Skylar Victoria Jones” Louis says

“I do solemnly declare – that I know not – of any lawful impediment – why I Skylar Victoria Jones may not be joined in marriage to Louis William Tomlinson” I say

“Louis and Skylar you have invited your guest here today to receive their encouragement and support and to celebrate with you at this special time. ” The priest says

“I ask you now Louis do you take Skylar to be your lawful wedded wife, to be loving, faithful and loyal to her for the rest of your life together?” he says and Louis says I do

“I ask you now Skylar do you take Louis to be your lawful wedded Husband, to be loving, faithful and Loyal to him for the rest of your life together” he says and I say I do

“now let’s move onto the formal wedding vowels” the priest says

“I call upon – these persons here present – to witness that I Louis William Tomlinson to take you Skylar Victoria Jones to be my lawful wedded wife– to love and to cherish – from this day forward.” Louis says

“I call upon – these persons here present – to witness that I Skylar Victoria Jones to take you Louis William Tomlinson to be my lawful husband – to love and to cherish – from this day forward.” I say

“The exchanging of rings is the traditional way of sealing the contract that you have just made.  It is an unbroken circle, symbolizing unending and everlasting love and is the outward sign of the lifelong promise that you have just made to each other.” The priest says

“I give you this ring – as a symbol of our love – All that I am I give to you – all that I have I share with you. I promise to love you – to be faithful and loyal – in good times and bad – may this ring remind you’re always - of the words we have spoken today.” Louis says and places my ring next to my engagement ring.

“I give you this ring – as a symbol of our love – All that I am I give to you – all that I have I share with you. I promise to love you – to be faithful and loyal – in good times and bad – may this ring remind you’re always - of the words we have spoken today.” I say and put his ring on

“Today is a new beginning.  May you have many happy years together and in those years may all your hopes and dreams be fulfilled.  Above all, may you always believe in each other and may the warmth of your love enrich not only your lives but the lives of all those around you. It now gives me great pleasure to tell you both that you are now legally Husband and Wife.  Congratulations. You may kiss your bride” he says and Louis kisses me

After the kiss Louis picks me up bridal style and we go out to the car and drive to the reception

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