chapter 11

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Skylar’s pov

So today I turn 9 months pregnant. I have a huge bump and it makes thing more difficult than usual. Louis has been helping round the house and has just been plain perfect. He always told me to relax. If I needed a back massage he would give me one. He is such the best boyfriend ever. I slid up the bed and saw that Louis wasn’t next to me. I got up and wrapped my dressing gown round me and put my slipper boots on and waddled to the door. I opened it and went to make my way down the stairs. When I finally got to the bottom I saw Louis in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

 “Morning Lou” I say

“Morning love” he replies and comes over and kisses my lips and my baby bump

“You want some breakfast” he says

“Yes please what is it” I say

“It is bacon sandwiches and a cup of tea” he says

“Then yes please” I say and he smiles and puts some bacon between some buttered bread and put it on a plate and cut it in half. He made one for himself and brought it over and I kissed him on his cheek

“Thank you baby” I say

“You’re welcome honey” he says and sits opposite me at the breakfast bar

When we finished eating and Louis washed up but before that he took me into the living room even though I could walk places on my own. Sometimes I thought my dignity had gone because I couldn’t do stuff, like the washing and stuff like that. Just because I’m pregnant. Now I know how disabled people feel. Nothing against them.

Once Louis was done, he came in and put his arm round my shoulder and I laid my head in the crook of his neck. I closed my eyes and I felt Louis place me in his lap and that’s when I opened my eyes.

“Louis put my back next to you I’m too heavy” I say

“No you are not” he says

“Yes I am” I say and the doorbell goes

“Oh who could that be” I say and get up and waddle to the door with my hands behind my back to help me support the weight of the baby, I opened the door and there stood Zayn and Perrie

“Hey guys” I say

“Hey Sky you ok there” Zayn says

“Yeah this baby is killing me, I feel like a hippo” I say and Zayn laughs a bit

“Zayn do not laugh, it’s not funny” Perrie says

“I wonder what it is like to hold the baby inside you” he says

“Well we have a water melon we could tape it to your stomach and then you can have the experience” Louis says

“Do it” Perrie says and he smiles and grabs the tape and the melon.

Louis holds the melon to Zayn’s stomach and Perrie tapes it round him. Zayn then puts his top over it and then puts his hands behind his back

“Now I give you credit for felling like a hippo and for carrying a baby” he says

“Thank you because that might be Perrie in a couple of years” I say

“Excuse me” she says and I shrug my shoulders

“Come on you two let’s get a picture of the new mums” Louis says and pulls out his phone and takes the photo and puts it on twitter and the fans went crazy. 

“Louis can you help me get this thing off now” Zayn says

“Should we take it off him” Louis says to me and Perrie

“Hm no I think he should keep it until Sky pops” Perrie says

“Oh come on babe” Zayn pleads

“Come on let’s take it off him it must be killing him” I say and they both nod and Zayn lifts his top, they grab the end of the tape and yank it off and Zayn squeals

“Yeah now you know how it feels to have tape put on you and have it ripped off” Louis says

“When did I do that” Zayn replies

“Video diaries” Louis says and Zayn nods and soon it was all off, we all talked for a bit about names and we came up with one

Her name would be Samantha Grace Tomlinson

I'm pregnant with Louis Tomlinson's BabyWhere stories live. Discover now