chapter 7

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Louis’ pov

So today is Skylar’s first scan. We get to see our baby today. One thing I am concerned about is that she hasn’t got a bump yet. But I can tell you, the morning sickness has stopped which is good. I tried as best as I could to do stuff round the house and when I did I would tell Skylar to relax but that never happened because she wants to be independent and do things herself. She doesn’t really like people doing stuff for her. But some people are like that. Anyway as I was saying its Skylar’s third scan and it is at 12pm and its 10am now. Our plan was that we go for our scan and then we were meeting up with Perrie and Zayn for a bit of lunch. We also decided that they would be the god parents.  I decided that I would wake Skylar

 “Babe time to wake up” I say and her eyes fluttered and her beautiful ocean blue orbs came open

“Good morning babe sleep ok” I say and kiss her lips

“Good morning handsome, yeah I did thank you what about you” she says

“very well thank you honey, now its 10am so why don’t we get up and have some breakfast and get ready and then go for your scan and then have lunch with Zayn and Perrie” I say

“Yeah that sounds like a plan” she says

“Ok well are you having a shower today” I say

“Yeah I need to have one” she says

“Ok well do you want to go first” I say

“I don’t mind do you need one” she says

“Yes” I say

“Why don’t you come in with me” she says and I smile

“Ok then come on” I say and she lifts her arms and I pick her up

When I get in the bathroom, I put her on the toilet seat cover and turn the shower on. She takes her top off and her Pyjama bottoms and I do the same and then stick my hand in the shower to check the temperature. I turn round and she was looking at herself in the full length mirror

“What you doing?” I say

“Looking at my new bump” she says

“What are you talking about” I say

“The baby, I have a bump look” she says and I see a little bump on her stomach

“Babe you’ve started to grow finally” I say

“Yeah anyway ready for a shower” she says

“Yeah I am” I say and we get in

When we get out the shower I put a towel round my waist and then grab another to wrap round her body. I wrap it round and then we go into our bedroom, She walks to the chest of draws and grabs me a pair of boxers and her bra and panties and I slip my boxers on. She then walks to the wardrobe and looks through it. I walk over and stand behind her and pick out a pair of boot cut jeans and a nice flowing top and she kisses my cheek and goes to get changed. I grab my black skinny jeans and my Leeds festival top and slip them on.

When I am ready, Skylar says we should get breakfast at Starbucks so we set off. When we finally arrive, I order us both a tea and then sit back at our table. We drink it and then it was 11am, we left Starbucks and went for our scan. It took 50 minutes to get there usually, depending on the traffic.

When we arrived we went in and a nurse was sitting on the desk

“Hi how can I help you both” she says

“Hi, we are here for my 3 month scan” Skylar says

“Ok and what’s your name” she says

“Skylar Jones” I say

“Ok Dr Summers” she says

“Yeah that’s her” Skylar says

“Ok room 3 you can go through now” she says

“Thank you” we both say and go to Dr Summer’s room

We had our scan and got a picture of the babies scan. She said to come back in a month for a check-up and then we left. We then went to Nando’s and meet Zayn and Perrie for lunch and showed them the picture. We then asked if they wanted to be god parents and they were thrilled

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