chapter 30

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Skylar’s pov

So today is Boo’s birthday. He is 23 today so me and his family decided he should have a bit of a party at home with his friends and his family. Sam and me woke him up this morning and gave him his presents and he loved them and then his family gave him presents also. We sent him out with Stan for the day as Stan helped us with the plan. Me and Jay and the girls ran round the house putting decorations up stopping a few times for tea breaks and lunch and then it was finally done. We invited all his friends and even the boys came and then we called Stan to tell him to bring Louis back.

When Louis arrived we all hid

“Why is it so dark in here” he says and turns the light on

“SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOUIS” we shout and he looked shocked

“Oh my god who did this” he says and me and Sam walked forward

“You did all this” he says taking Sam in his arms

“Yeah we did with help from Jay and the girls and Dan and also Stan” I say and he wraps me and Sam in a hug

“I love it thank you” he says and says hi to a couple of his mates while he took Sam. I smiled at them and his friends just gushed over her. I went over to Stan and thanked him and he gave me a hug and then went back over to Louis taking Sam.

When his party was over, the girls, twins and Sam had all gone to bed and everyone had gone. The boys only dropped in to wish him happy birthday and then left as they had to get back to their families. We both went to bed and so did Jay and Dan they all had a room each as our house was so big. We said it would be presents in the morning and then out for lunch which was on us. They didn’t mind but Jay said she would pay half and Louis said ok not wanting to argue with his mum as he knows he won’t win. But we went to bed in peace and then as I was asleep Louis snuggled me into him. He whispered in my ear a thank you and I love you and went to sleep. He hadn’t drunk that much only two cans of beer which I didn’t mind I said he could go loose but no. So I let him do what he wanted. But he enjoyed the party and that’s all that matters

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