Story Starts

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(y/n) your name

(y/l/n) your last name

(n/n) nick name

(d/n) dragon name

(h/c) hair colour

(s/c) skin colour

(f/c) favorite colour

(f/d/c) favorite dark colour


hiccup is younger here and vikings are befriended with dragons

I stared at Hiccup and his friends. They was having fun with their dragons. And I was working with Gobber now. Before we befriended with dragons, I was famous. But now they're saying I'm weak and poor. They're saying I can't train a dragon. But I will. As I was about to going out Gobber stopped me."Where are you going you know you can't go out!" then he lifted me up by my shirt and put me to the other side of the room."Oh Gobber just let me train a dragon and my life is gonna be so much better than this." "You're not goin' I promised your dad that you're not gonna be hurt." "But I won't get hurt please Gobber?" "Hmm let me think.... No!" "Ugh!" I turned and grabbed my bow and arrows."Where are you going?" Gobber asked."Hunting. You know... my meal." "Why are you not eating in the Great Hall?" "One; I'm always getting bullied and two; Snotlout is flirting me!" I stormed out of the blacksmith to the forest.

Time Skip

I saw a little deer. I grabbed my arrow. I took aim and shot it."Good shooting." someone said behind me. I shot an arrow to him but I missed it so the arrow was on the tree which he was in front of it."Oh my gods Hiccup you scared me!" he was in a shock looking at the arrow which is on his head. He was breathing heavyly."It was too close!" he said."You should stop scaring me last week I was about to kill you and if you won't stop one day you will die!" "Ok ok (n/n)! I will. So what are you doing here?" he asked."Umm hunting? So what are you doing here and where is Toothless?" "I came here to check you and he is at home sleeping." "Oh... wait did you said checking me?" "Yes." "Did Gobber send you?" "Nooo..."

his eyes was shifted. I raised an eyebrow."Ok you got me (y/n)!"he said. I grabbed the deer and turned to Hiccup."I'm ok see? Go tell him I'm going home!" I said with anger."I'm not a baby I can take care of myself." I whispered to myself and keep walking."No you're not but he is just worrying." Hiccup said.

Did he heard me?!? "But why he just don't let me be? After my parents died he was babysitting me. And you know I hate it. You was my best friend and you knew all of my secrets!" I yelled and keep running.

Time Skip at home

I was sitting in the kitchen alone. I had a (f/c) shirt on me and my (h/c) hair was shining in the fire light. My (s/c) arms was full of cuts and scars. I always cut myself because of my parentless, friendless life. Alone, sad life. Because of this scars, I couldn't wear sleeveless things except for the house. I grabbed my pocked knife and make the biggest cut on my arm. And then the other one. The blood was all coverinh my arms. I cleaned the blood on my (s/c) arms but it was still bleeding. I heard a knock on my door."(y/n)! Are you there?" someone shouted. I opened the door. I forgot my bleeding sleeveless arms and saw...... Hiccup.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

She opened the door and saw me. She had a sleeveless (f/c) shirt, (f/d/c) skirt and tights and black boots. She had almost cuts and  bleeding arms. Wait did i said cuts and bleeding arms?!?"What do you want?" she asked coldly."I'm here to check you again." I said."Did-" "No Gobber did not send me. I came here by myself!" I cut her off."And what are these?" "What are what?" I pointed her arms."Oh my gods I forgot!" she ran to her room and returned with a jacket on her."(y/n) what was those cuts?" "I-I-I....." she did not finish it."(y/n)? Did you cut yourself? If you did why didn't you tell me? I thinked we were best friends." "No Hiccup we're not! You shut me out when you met Toothless! You weren't with me anymore! When I get bullied where were you? When I was alone? When I was scared?" she yelled I kept silent."I-I'm so sorry." I saw tears in her eyes and she was fighting with them.

You're P.O.V.

There was tears in my eyes. I stopped fighting them and let them go. I was crying. I was crying in front of someone for the first time. Hiccup hugged me to comfort me but I cried even harder. I hugged him back. After that I think I fell asleep cause everything went black.

Like it? Well this is my first x reader story. I hope you enjoy. Bye guys!


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