Pitch and The Big Five Part 3

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Your P.O.V.

I woke up in my bed. I felt a warm breath on my neck. I looked behind me and saw Hiccup. He was in my bed. I tried to remember what happened last night. We kissed then I fell asleep I think. I slowly got up. I didn't want to wake him up. I got to the bathroom. My hair was messy. Really messy. I fixed my hair and let my hair down. I washed my face. But then something happened. The water flew around me! I was shocked. It didn't happened before. I had to stop it.''Hey! Morning!'' Hiccup said but then he froze.''Oh Thor!'' he said when he saw the water was floating.'' What? How? W-what happened here?'' he asked.''I don't know. I was washing my face then this happened!'' I said still trying to stop the floating water. He helped me.''Oh my gods I wish I could control the water!'' I said.''Controlling the water. Of course!'' Hiccup murmured.''(y/n)! I know how to stop this. Just stop thinking the water.'' he said.''What?'' I asked.''Just do it!'' he said. Ok. Umm, (d/n), hunting, mom, dad. I thinked some more things and the water stoped moving. Now it was in the air but it wasn't moving.''How?'' I asked.''It's like I'm controlling it.'' I said.''You already did.'' he said.''What?'' I asked.''(y/n), you can control the four elements.'' he said.''What!'' I said.''When? How? How could you know?'' I asked.''The Moon told us.'' he said.''The Moon? Ugh everything is confused!'' I said. He rested his hand on my shoulder.''I know. But it's the destiny.'' he said.''Let's get ready. We have to go to the north pole. It's safer then here. I'm going to check the others. Ok?'' he asked.''Yes. Ok.'' I said. Then he left. I dressed up. A (f/c) slevee shirt, a jacked, my favorite skirt and thights, my brown boots. It's north. It might be cold. I looked at my sleepy dragon.''Wake up and be ready sleeping beauty!'' I said. I petted his/her head.''Wanna some fish?'' I asked. He/she nodded happily. I grabbed some fish and gave it to him/her. I ate some fish too. I got out of the house.I saw Hccup and his friends. We was ready to go. Hiccup and I hopped on Toothless. The journey was begining.

Sorry for short. I am too busy. And hope you like it. I have to say goodbye. Bye!



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