The Flight and Accepting the Scadulron

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We stood next to Toothless."I'm a bit scared." I said."Don't worry (y/n) it'll be fun!'' he said."Well I don't know maybe I would go home." I said started to walk but Hiccup grabbed my arm."There's no turn!" he said. He pulled me near Toothless. Then he hopped on. He held his hand out."Let me help you." he said. His eyes was shining with happyness. I held his hand and he pulled me on it. It was a bit uncomfortable to me."You would hold on to me." he said."Wha- Whoaaaaaaaa!" I couldn't finish my word. Toothless stormed in air. I screamed for awhile and hugged Hiccup. I closed my eyes. Then I felt a soft wind that brushed my face."You should open your eyes (y/n) it's beautiful. I slowly opened my (e/c) opticks and saw sun rising. Is it dawn yet? The pinkish yellowish and orange-ish clouds was shining in the sunlight."Woah! T-that's-" I couldn't finish my words."Beautiful isn't it?" he replied. My (h/c) hair was waving in the air. I raised my (s/c) hands and touched the clouds."Thank you Hiccup." "No problem."

Time Skip

Toothless landed on the ground. We returned to Berk again. I saw some Scadulrons playing. Wait (d/n)! I forgot about him/her! "Oh no (d/n)!" I said."What?" Hiccup asked."Nothing I just forgot something." I forgot he was here. I ran off. I opened the door and came in. Saw (d/n) sleeping. Then she/he woke up and stared at me."You hungry bud?" he/she nodded."Let's catch some fish." I said. We went to the lake where I found him/her. I grabbed my bow and arrows. I saw a fish and took aim. I shot it. (d/n) ate some fish by him/herself

We ate our breakfast so we could have fun. We walked trough the forest. I choose a tree again."Okey (d/n)...) I said and put a dot on the tree."...try to shoot this dot." I said. He/She shot his/her boiling water trough the dot."Yes! You did it! You're a real sharpshoter." I said petted his/her head. We headed home. I hid (d/n) in my bag.(He/she's not too big so it can hide in a bag but this bag is big.) "Hey (y/n)!" someone shouted."H-hi Hiccup." I said "Why are you not with your friends?" "Ugh I'm going to home I forgot something." he said.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"I forgot something." I said to (y/n). 'Roar!' something shouted with low but pitched sound and (y/n)'s bag swinged a bit. Then a Scadulron jumped out of her bag. It was a baby. Then I looked at (y/n). She had her hand on her face and shaking her head."(y/n)? Who's this little baby?" I asked rubbing it's head."He/She is (d-d/n)." she said."Hi (d/n)." I said then faced to (y/n)."Where did you find it?" "A-at the Raven P-point." she said."Does Gobber know it?" I asked."Does it seems he knows?" she said raising an eyebrow."Of course no." I said."Maybe I should tell him. He is like my uncle." she said. I nodded. We went to the workshop.

Your P.O.V.

I was scared that Gobber won't accept (d/n)."Hi Gobber!" I said."Mornin' " he said."Umm..." I looked at Hiccup. He nodded and pointed Gobber."Uhh Gobber?" "Yes?" "I found a baby Scadulron and...'' "And?" "I want to adopt him/her." "And you want my perrmisions." "Yes." "What's his/her name?" "(d/n)." "A good name. Well I let you have him/her." "Really?" "But you will train him/her and Hiccup wil help you." "Okey thank you very very much!"

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