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Your P.O.V.

The sun was rising slowly. I was on the roof of my house. The sky was orange , yellow and blue. It was a cloudless sunny day. My Scauldron (d/n) was eating his/her fish. When he/she finnished his/her food he/she lied down next to me and we both watched the sun rising."You really love to watch the sky don't you?" someone said behind me. I jumped a bit then turned around. And saw him. "And you really love to scare me don't you Haddock?" he smirked."Goodmorning milady." he said."Milady?" I asked."Hey! I'm your boyfriend so I can call you milady. Am I right?" he asked and sat near me. I nodded."So what's your plans?" he asked."Well (d/n) and I was planning to go to swimming." I said."So what's yours?" I asked."Well you know. The dragon academy." he said."So you're late then." said."Wha- oh my gods I better keep going. Goodbye." he said and kissed my cheek and left."So (d/n). Want to go?" I asked. He/she nodded happly. I wore (f/c) tights and a (f/c) tank top. I let my (h/c) hair down. I put on my boots and grab a towel."Let's go." I said. We got to the cove (that where Hiccup found Toothless). I took of my boots. Touched the water if it was cold or not. It was warm. I dived into water."C'mon (d/n)! The water is perfect!" I called him/her. He/she jumped into water and make water wavy. We swam, we played and soon we was tired. We took out of the water. I took the towel. I dried my arms, legs, stomach and last my hair. I grabbed my spare clothes and got behind a big rock. I changed my clothes. A (f/c) sleeve shirt and (f/d/c) pants. I tied my hair into a messy bun."C'mon (d/n)! We need to go back home." I said. As we walk, I heard some whispers and shadows."Hey! I-Is anyone here?" I asked. I walked trough the shadows.

"H-hiccup?" I walked closer. And I thing I stepped on something. Then a net hit me."Ha! We cauth her!" some of the vikings said. Dagur came out of the shadows."Hi (y/n). How are you darling?" he asked."Let me go!" I yelled at him."Nope not yet." he said."First I need Hiccup to come to get you." he said. I saw (d/n) was leaving. I know he/she was going to find Hiccup.

(d/n)'s P.O.V.

Find Hiccup. Find Hiccup. Save (y/n). But first I need to find Toothless."Toothless!" I yelled."(d/n)! I'm here!" he replied. I followed his voice. As I landed near them "Hey (d/n)! What are you doing here boy/girl?" Hiccup said and petted my head." Toothless! (y/n)! Dagur!" I tried to tell Toothless what happened but I was too panicked."What?" he asked."Dagurcauth(y/n)andtakinghertotheoutcastsisland!" I said."Umm come again?" he asked."Dagur. Cauth. (y/n). And. He. Is. Taking. Her. To. The. Outcasts. Island!" I said."What?!" he said and started to panicking."Toothless. What's wrong bud?" Hiccup asked to him. I cauth his attention. I signaled him to follow me. He did so. I got him to the outcasts island."(d/n) no no! Not there!" he said."Let me go! Hiccup will save me you'll see!" I heard (y/n)'s yellings.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Let me go! Hiccup will save me you'll see!" someone yelled. And I saw (y/n) was tied up and Dagur was standing in front of her?!?!? "Oh my gods! Oh my gods I need to find dad!" I said."(d/n)! Come here. We'll save her don't worry but first we need to find my dad."

Your P.O.V.

They got me into a cage. Then they left. I was so tired. So I couldn't stay awake. I fell asleep on the cold hard floor.

After some hours

I woke up in the same cage. I heard footsteps. Then the cage door opened. I turned to see who is it and saw Dagur was standing there."Morning beauty. I got you food." he said and gave me the bowl. I pushed it."Oh don't want it? Okay. Now. I have good news. We'll let you go. But..." he said."But what?" I asked in anger."But you will marry me. And you don't have any chance." he whispered in my ear. I froze. Then he left. I fell on my knees and hugged them. You'll marry me and you don't have any chance... It repeaded in my head. I think I was here for one day. Or one week. Maybe one year. All my head was upside down. I couldn't think anything. Except for the marriage thing. Then one thing took my atention. He dropped his dagger. I took the dagger. This little thing was my last chance. I tried to break the lock or unlock it. A little click came from the lock. Then it unlocked. Lucky me. I ran to the exit. But I couldn't found it. I saw some of the vikings. I hid behind a wall. They didn't see me. I saw the exit."The girl! She escaped!" a male voice said. I ran trough the exit. But Dagur blocked me."Not that fast beauty." he said. Then a plasma blast apeared behind him. I smiled widely."Hiccup!" I said. He landed in front of me. I hopped on Toothless. We tried to leave. They shot us some of their arrows but we missed it. We made our way to Berk."You okay?" he asked. I nodded. We landed in front of my house. We got in. I sat on the little sofa that I have. He sat near me."Thank y-" I was going to say thank you but that moment he kissed me. When we pulled he kissed me forhead."I was too worried." he said and hugged me. I hugged him back."You need to have some rest." he said."I need to go. But if you need something-" "Where is (d/n)?" I asked. "Don't worry. He/she's in the academy." he said."Bye.'' he said. When he left I got to my bed and fell asleep.

It was a long chapter. Well like it? I hope. I'll update soon. Bye!


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