Pitch and The Big Five Part 1

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"(y/n)... (y/n)..." someone called me. I was scared. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw him. My fear. He was who I was scared of. His yellow eyes was looking at me. His grey hand was still holding my shoulder."What do you want?" I asked."Nothing. I just want you. You have a special power. And one day I will have you." he said. Then his black sand covered all of me.


*screaming* It was the same nightmare. This nightmare wasn't leaving me last four days. It was morning. I got up and get dressed. Let my (h/c) hair down and combed it. I looked at the book that mom left me. And I found that what I was searching for. The Book Of Legends And Myths. I opened the book. Page 1 Santa Claus. No. Page 2 The Easter Bunny. No. The Tooth Fairy, The Sandman, Jack Frost. I stopped when found the two words that I'm searching for. Pitch Black.

The boogeyman that gives you nightmares and hides under your bed.

It was him. But why me? Whatelse. I felt something behind me. I turned around and saw...(d/n). I jumped but then I calmed down."You scared me! Well (d/n) what's going on?" I asked. He/she pulled me out of the house. He/she pointed at Hiccup talking with a giant bird? Wait it wasn't a bird. It was a woman with wings and feathers. "Hiccup?" he turned to me"Oh (y/n). Hi!" he said."Can you tell me what's going on here?" I said."Look (y/n). I am a guardian. We are protecting children. And this is Tooth the tooth fairy. She is one of the guardians too." he said."So you're protecting children. But from who?" I asked curiously."From the boogeyman." he said."Pitch Black? T-the boogeyman that gives you nightmares" I asked with fear. He was shocked"Y-you  know him?" he asked."I just saw him in my book." I said not wanting to tell the truth."So why is she here?" I asked and looked at Tooth."I better tell you everyting you don't know." he said.

After telling everything

"Oh Okay." I said."Umm Hiccup...we better go." Tooth said."Oh gods yes! I forgot. I have to go now. See you soon." he said. Then he kissed my cheek quickly."Be safe." I said to him. Tooth gave him a snowglobe. Hiccup whispered something and crushed it. A portal apeared and they got in.

I got home. I opened the door and got in. I closed the door and ran to my room."Oh he left you alone huh?" someone said behind me.''What do you want Pitch? Why are you not leave me alone?" I asked to him."No I will not." he said and smiled me evily. He touched my cheek."Do you want to know what happened to your parents?" he asked."But I already know their ship-" "It was a lie! Your mother is dead. But not your father." he said."What are you talking about?" I asked.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

When we arrived North spoked "You're late. What happened?" he asked."Well-" "Tell later we don't have much time." Bunny said."Manny waits us." Jack said. We walked to the globe room."Manny?" North asked. Manny showed us a shadow. It was Pitch. But then he showed us a girl's shadow."Who is this?" Elsa asked."She's Manny's daughter." North said."20 years ago Manny fell in love with a human. They got married. 5 years later a little baby borned. She had deep (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair. She had (s/c) skin. She could control the four elements. But she couldn't control it yet. One year later his wife passed away. And he couldn't grew the baby alone. Another family adopted her and grew her 5 years. But their ship sink and they both dead. But the girl is alive. She is living alone and she must be 15 years old. We need to find her before Pitch does." he said."So where is she?" Punzie asked."The problem is we don't know. She can be at everywhere." Tooth said. Sandy tried to say We can ask Manny.

"You're right." Merida said."Manny can you show us where she is?" North asked. "He says she is in north." he said."Perfect! I know everywhere of north. I love to search."

Your P.O.V.

"So you're saying my dad is somewhere?" I asked."Yes and if you will join to me I will take you to him." Pitch said. I know he was lying. I walk out of the door. He followed me. "Sorry but I won't" I said.''So you're playing this way huh? We'll see..." he said. He walked trough me. I started to run. I whistled and called (d/n) . He/she was enough big for carry me. He/she did so."You can run but you can't hide!" he said. I wish Hiccup was here. That moment I saw a sleigh? And a nightfury? Hiccup?

Hi guys! I hope you like it. I need sleep so...see you soon! Bye!


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