Pitch and The Big Five Part 5

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Your P.O.V.

I opened my eyes with (d/n)'s  growlings. He/She jumped on me. I got up. It was a cloudly day. Something was saying me that today the battle will begin. I walked out of the room. And head to the globe room. It was silent. Rapunzel was brushing her hair and Elsa was helping her, Merida was sharpening her sword, Jack was sitting silence and the other guardians was in their rooms. But Hiccup was nowhere to be seen. They stared at me when I came in."What? What happened to you? Where is Hiccup?" I asked. I was afraid. What if...no it can't be."Where is Hiccup?" I asked loudly."He's gone." Jack said."What?" "Pitch got him." he said."When?" "We don't know. We all was sleeping." Merida said."B-but it's impo-...we have to save him. Where's Pitch now?" I asked."He's at his place. Underground." Jack said.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Great, now they're gonna come here to save you then I'm gonna have this girl." Pitch said."No! You're gonna die! They're gonna kill you!" I shouted. Pitch stared at me with an evil look."You don't know what my plan is huh? Well I'll show you." he said. Then his black sand covered my body and everything went black.

Back to Your P.O.V.

"Do you think this plan is gonna work? I think Pitch would plan it." Merida said."Don't worry. It's gonna be Ok. So let's open that portal. Jack, can you still remember where his place is?" I asked. He thinked a while then "Yes."

he said."Good." I said and gave him the snowglobe. He whispered and crashed it. We all jumped in. After that, we found ourselves in a dark place. It was hard to see but I could still see."Well well well, look our guests are here." I heard. When I turned around I saw Pitch. I stepped back and said "Where's Hiccup?" "You want to see? Hiccup! Come here boy!" he shouted. Then I saw him. But there was a different thing. His eyes. His eyes weren't green anymore. They were red. Blood red."H-hic?" I asked."He can't hear you. He just can hear my orders. And my first order is...

Ok ok I know you're gonna hate me because of the end. And sorry for late. But I have school so please understand. I'll update soon. Bye!


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