Pitch and The Big Five Part 4

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Your P.O.V.

We arrived. It wasn't cold a lot for a viking. And the north pole was big. Really big. Everyone had a room. There was a room for me too! It had (f/c) walls and a (f/c) door. It was bigger than my house. Well yes my house is smaller than this room. It's  weird. Also there was a bed for (d/n). I can say it's perfect. Hiccup said I should learn how to control my powers. He is right. I heard that special people should learn how to control it. If they're not it would turn into a curse. But who would help me? It is late. I am very tired. I should sleep. I cosed my eyes and thinked about what would happen next. nd soon I fell asleep.

Someone's P.O.V.

She is asleep. Perfect! I walked trough her. She was dreaming. There was a dragon and she was riding it.''Oh how a sweet dream. But something is missing. Fear!'' I touched to the gold sand. It turned black and her dream turned into a nightmare. Now her dragon was trying to kill her. Perfect.''Sweet nightmares dear.'' I said.The Moon shined behind me.''What do you want Manny? You knew that one day I will find your daughter. First I will take her powers and then I will kill her.'' I said.''And you know you can't do anythink. You're still trusting the guardians? They won't win this time. Well I have to go.'' I said and I disappeared in the shadows.

Your P.O.V.

I was riding (d/n). He/she was happy. We flew into the sky. It was blue. Everything was perfect. I saw Hiccup was flying next to me. But something was strange. His eyes was red. Toothless and (d/n)'s eyes was red too. Hiccup shot a plasma blast at me.''Hiccup! What's wrong with you?'' he didn't answer. Then (d/n) dropped me from his/her back. I dived in the deep, cold water. I couldn't breath. I knew I was dying.

I opened my eyes with a scream. Then tears came. I cried a bit.''Did you like your dream?'' someone asked.''Who is there?'' I asked.''You know who I am very well.'' the voice said. I stood up and grabbed my sword.''What do you want Pitch?'' I asked.''I just want you. You know.'' he said. Then he came out of shadows. He circled around me.''You don't know how to control your powers don't you?'' he asked.''That's none of your business!'' I said."You're playing this way huh? Ok then I'll play this way too. Goodbye for now." he said then he disappeared. I ran out of my room. Not knowing where to go. I knocked Hiccup's door. He opened it. He was sleepy."(y-y/n) what are you doing here? You should sleep!" he said."Hiccup I should talk to you." I said. He let me in.

North's P.O.V.

I was sleeping. But a scream woke me up."What?!?" the scream said. It was Hiccup's voice. I got up and walked to Hiccup's door. He opened it. (y/n) was there too."Hiccup what's going on?" I asked. The others came."Hiccup what happened?" Elsa asked."Yeah what's goin' on?" Merida asked."Pitch visited (y/n)." everyone was shocked."But how?'' Tooth asked. "We don't know. He came in he talked a bit then he disappeared."   (y/n) said with fear in her eyes."We should do something." Bunny said."Maybe someone should stay with her at night." Punzie said. "You're right. Bit who would stay?" Merida asked."*#@¥§₩€$¡ (I can stay with her)" Sandy said."Ok then Sandy will stay with her." I said.

Your P.O.V.

After that night Sandy was sleeping with me and helping me to sleep. It was a good day. Pitch was nowhere to be seen this few days. Well it was good for me. I could control my powers a bit. I could control the fire and water for know. But there's two elements that I have to learn. I was walking in the coridors. This really big. I heard something (hold on girls). Some murmurings then silent. I walked. The someone was talking but they're not now. I opened some of the doors. They was empty. But there was another door that I didn't look. I opened the door and froze. I couldn't move. I was about to cry. There was Hiccup. He was kissing Merida."H-h-h-hic-hiccup?" I said. They looked at me."(y/n)! I-it's not what you think!" he said. "So what is it Hiccup?!" I yelled. I stormed to my room and locked it. I cried. I cried so hard. (d/n) couldn't comfort me. The door knocked."Go away Hiccup!" I said."It's Elsa and Punzie! Please (y/n) open the door." Elsa said. I opened the door and let them in."What's happening?" Punzie asked.

After telling everything

Elsa gasped. Then she and Punzie hugged me. I felt weak. Really weak.

"H-hiccup w-was kind. H-he w-was understanding m-me. W-why would h-he d-do that?" I asked."We don't know. But you should be strong." Elsa said.

Punzie's P.O.V.

"Elsa stay with her. I'm going to talk with someone." I said. She nodded. As she was comforting her I searched for Hiccup angrily. I knocked his door. He opened it."Punzie! Why are you here?" he asked."Why am I here? Why am I here? How could you!" I yelled."H-how could I what?" he asked. I walked in then closed the door."How could you dare to brake (y/n)'s heart! What happened to kind and smart Hiccup? How could you kiss Merida in front of her!" I yelled."It wasn't my fault! Why are you not asking Merida? She kissed me! Why are you don't asking her why she kissed me?" he yelled."You could block her! You could push her! You could say you had a girlfriend! Why are you not using your brain?" I yelled then left.

Your P.O.V.

"Elsa? I need to rest. I'm gonna walk"  I said."But it's late. Are you sure you'll be alright?" she asked. I nodded. I walked in the empty halls. I walked in the room that Hiccup kissed Merida. Tears fell down from my cheek. I heard footsteps. I knew who was it. It was Hiccup."(y/n)?" he called me. I stayed silent."(y/n) I know you're there!" he said."What do you want?" I asked."I want to say so-" he said but I walked away. I felt his hands on my wrists."Just listen!" he said. I tried to fight with him."Let me go!" I yelled.''Look I'm sorry." he said."That doesn't fix anythi-" I was about to say but he pressed his lips on mine. I fought with him but he didn't let me go. His hands left my wrists and held my waists. I placed my hands on his neck. It was like forrever. He pinned me to the wall. When we pulled he looked into my eyes. He leaned to my ear."Forgive me please." he whispered. I nodded. I felt he was smirking. He started to kissing my neck. Then sucked it. I didn't move. He kissed hardly and hardly. As he pulled he whispered "We need to sleep. It's late." he said. We got to his bedroom. We lied down to his bed then we fell asleep.

Two chapters at the same day! I hope you liked it. Well I ran out of ideas. I need help. Please help me! Oh and I want to say thanks for voting. Especially  thanks to DEMON-KITTY. Bye!


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