First Kiss

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It was afternoon and I was at house. (d/n) was sleeping and he/she had a cute snoring. His/Her (f/c) scales was shining. Hiccup and the others was flying and training. And I was so bored."Hey (d/n)! I'm going to a walk." I said. He/She nodded.  Then I  started walking. I walked walked and walked. Then I heard something hissed. I turned around and saw a wild zippleback."Zippleback!" I shouted. Oh my gods why didn't grabbed my bow and arrows!

I keep running. It started following me."No no no no no!" Then a big rock appeared in front of me. I tried to climb but I couldn't. I turned at the zippleback."Oh my Thor, oh my god!" it was too close. It kept run trough me.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Toothless and I was flying. Then I heard someone shouted."Oh my Thor, oh my god!" "Did you heard it bud?" I asked. He nodded and we flew trough the voice. And we saw a wild zippleback and (y/n). Wait (y/n)? "Toothless! We have to save her now! Toothless dive!" he dived down. And then catched (y/n)'s shoulders. Then we got high. I looked to (y/n). "(y/n)! You ok?" she nodded. I held her hand and helped her climb to Toothless' back."Thanks. And ugh... Hiccup?" "Yes?" I think he is following us." I turned and saw the zippleback. It suddenly fired and burnt Toothless' tail."Hold on!" I shouted. We dived."Aaaaahhhhh!" (y/n) screamed. We got into a dark cave. Then Toothless hid us with his wings. Then the zippleback dissapeared. "You ok?" I whispered. "Y-yeah." she said. I stood up and helped her up."I think we should walk." she said. I nodded.

Time Skip

Your P.O.V.

"Ugh Hiccup?" "Yes?" "I think I have a crush." I said."Really? Who is it?" I kept silent."(y/n)? Are you listening?" "Yes." "So why didn't you answer?" "I don't want." "Well tell me about him then." "He is funny, smart, cute and...and handsome." "It could not be Snotlout and Fishlegs." I nodded."Tuffnut?" "No!" "So who is it?" "Why would you care?" I yelled."Why wouldn't I care?'' he yelled."It's you ok?" I yelled.He froze. Hugged myself and kept walking. Then he grabbed my hand."(y/n)-" "I know I'm stupid." "No! (y/n)..." he held my other hand."I like you too." he said. He held my chin and lifted up my head. Amd looked into my (e/c) eyes. I blushed a bit. He leaned. I was froze. His lips brushed mine. My eyes widen first but then close. He pressed his lips on mine. His hands left my hands and placed on my waists. He pulled me closer. I placed my hands on his neck. His lips was soft and warm. I tangled my hands into his auburn hairs. Then we pulled. I pulled my hands and he did the same. I blushed deep red. We kept walking. He held my hand. We walked and walked. Then finally arrived to Berk. We saw Gobber."Hi Gobber." I said. His eyes locked onto our hands. We pulled our hands and looked eachother shyly."Umm... I better go." Hiccup said. He left."Do you have something to tell me?" Gobber asked."Don't act like my dad." I said. He raised an eyebrow."I'm going to bed." I said and left.

Like it? Sorry it took long. But I'll update soon. Hope you like it.


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