Pitch and The Big Five Part 2

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Your P.O.V.

That was too strange. I landed in front of my house. Then ran trough them. They was in front of the great hall.''Hiccup! What are you doing here? And who are they?'' I asked.''Hey (y/n)! I need you. Look-'' he said but I cut him off ''Hiccup? Please answer my questions.'' I said.''Who are they?'' ''Who are who?'' ''Hiccup! I'm not blind! There are a giant man, a grandpa, a bird woman, a blondie, a redhead, a blue dressed girl and a kangroo!'' I said.''I'm not a kangroo! I'm a bunny, the Easter Bunny! Wait, you can see me?'' the kangroo said.'' First, yes I can se you I'm not blind and second, the Easter Bunny?'' I asked.''She can see us. Could it be?'' the giant man asked.''Well I'm North. But I also known as Santa.'' he spoke again.''(y-y/n)'' I said.''Wait, Santa, Easter Bunny, guardians?'' I asked. They all noded.''Well (y/n), this is Jack, Elsa, Rapunzel, Merida, Sandy and Tooth. You already know her.'' the bird woman of course! I saw her today!''Ok (y/n) I need you. You're the best who knows the islands and the forests.'' Hiccup said.''Yes I am. I'm a hunter.'' I said."Look, we need to find someone. This is very important. It's about Pitch." he said."Who are you searching for?" I asked."There's a girl who have strong powers. Pitch is searching for her too. And we have to find her before Pitch." he said. Something hit me like a thunder. Pitch already found her. When he said 'you have special powers' he was talking about this! "(y/n)? (y/n)? (y/n)!" Hiccup shouted."W-what? Oh sorry." I said."Hurry we have to find her!" he said."Uhh Hiccup?" I asked. He ingored me."Hiccup!"  he hopped on Toothless and the others was ready for go."Hiccup he already found her!" I shouted. He looked at me."What?" he asked. Jack came to me."What are you talking about? How do you know?" he asked."I-I...I saw him." I said."He was about to hurt me but I ran off." I said."Hurt you?" Hiccup asked. He hopped off Toothless and came to me."He was with you?" he asked angrily."Why didn't you tell me!" he shouted."I was scared!" I yelled."He said I have special powers but I didn't believe! Untill today!" I said."Where is he now?" Bunny asked."I don't know. I think je went to the forest. But he'll be back soon." I said."He is after you. We have to protect you." Elsa said."But where would you stay?" I asked."€₩¥§$°»®¡©¿." Sandy said."You're right." Hiccup said."What?" I asked."He is sayin' we can stay here for the night. We'll go tomorrow."(sorry I'm not good at writing accents) Merida said.  We all nodded.

At night

I was in my home. (d/n) was sleeping. I sat next to fire. I was tired. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it. Hiccup was standing there."Hi." I said."Hi. May I come in?" he asked. I nodded and let him in. I close the door. Hiccup sat on my bed and I did so."I want to talk." he said."I'm listening." I said."Look. I'm sorry." he said."For what?" I asked curiously."For everything. I got your life in a danger. What if you hurt? Or die? I'll never forgive myself."he said."Hiccup don't worry. You don't have to worry, I'm not worried. Just believe that everything will be allright." I said. I hugged him. He hugged me back. When we pull I put a hand on his cheek then kissed his nose."Everything will be allright. I promise." I said."Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded. He leaned and kissed me. I kissed him back. We lied down on the bed. And I think I fell asleep.

Hey like it? I hope. Sorry for late but I had too much homework and school. You know. I'll update soon! bye!


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