simon says .

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School was finally done and Joe couldn't be any happier even tho he slept through the whole class. The brunette was still packing his things and was almost left alone in class. " Hey dude. " He heard Ben's voice and looked behind him seeing the boy leaning in the doorframe. " I will wait outside for you. " He then walked away leaving Joe again flabbergasted. " What the actual fuck? " He asked himself whispering. " Why is he being so weird? " He asked himself. " Who is? " He almost fell off the chair because he didn't hear anyone coming in. " No one sir haha bye! " Joe quickly said to the teacher who looked at him in confusion. " Hey. " Joe said walking out of school passing by Ben. " Jesus dude why did that take so long, needed to jack off orsomething? " That's the Ben he knew, but why is he being so weird tho? " Ehm Ben? " Joe started asking while they were walking to Ben's house. " Joe don't ask me again about E-girls or whatever because I don't know. " Joe looked down shaking his head. " Ehm no not about that. " They were almost at Ben's house since he didn't live that far. " Is there something I don't know? " Joe asked looking at his friend but his friend only started grabbing his keys to the door. " I will tell you when we are inside. " Joe was really worried since Ben has been down for a few days. " Are you gonna tell me that you're secretly a vampire? " Joe tried making the mood a bit better but Ben only slightly scoffed. 

" We broke up. " 

Joe choked on his cola hearing the news. " I'm so sorry. " He said trying to be a friend and supporting him even tho that's what he really sucks at. " Don't be, let's game. " Ben suggested while setting up the game. 

After a while gaming boredom striked them. " We can play. " Joe started. " No I'm not playing fortnite Joe. " Ben cut him off making his friend frown. " Maybe there is something to watch. " Ben said opening netflix. After a while scrolling through movies and series they still didn't find anything. " Oh my god let's watch Zootopia. " Joe said happily looking at his friend next to him. " Oh my god let's not. " Ben said in the same tone still looking at the tv. "

" Love Simon. " Ben said making Joe almost break his neck because of his head turning to Ben. " Do you know that movie is about, gays? Are you trying to tell me something- " Joe teased scooching closer but Ben pushed him away by his forehead. " Shut up no. Do you have any other suggestions then? " Joe shook his head. " So Simon says it is. " 

" Love Simon. "

" I know what I said. "

well, haha 🤠🤠 that was shit. idk what this is but ehm ok 👊🏼😂

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