forget .

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Rami was still sleeping when Joe came back. It was dark and he was glad because he had the urge to cry his eyes out. He looked at his friend laying on the couch. Apparently he woke up? Joe thought walking to the bathroom. He locked the door because he wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone. He slid down with his back against the door. Joe felt empty, not really there like he was stuck in a nightmare. He didn't even stop his tears from falling down because he knew that there was no one now to stop him. His throat started hurting from crying it felt like he was crying for 2 whole hours.

He didn't even know why he was sad probably because he fucked up a great friendship he could never create again. Also probably because he was too dumb and stubborn to realize this wasn't because Ben was his friend. It was because Ben turned into something more inside Joe's heart and he was scared of letting him go. 


Joe woke up because of someone knocking on the bathroom door. He fell asleep on the ground. " Joe are you in there? " He didn't want to make Rami worried so he opened the door giving his friend a smile that he hoped it said: ' I'm fine. ' But Rami saw right through that. That smile said: ' I feel like I can break down any moment but it's okay. ' Joe walked past him towards the kitchen but Rami grabbed his wrist to stop him but Joe looked down shaking his hand away. " I'm okay just leave me for a day. " Joe spoke walking away. Rami should've seen it coming that ' A day ' Turned into a whole week. 

When Rami found Joe's phone somewhere in between a pile of unwashed clothes he saw all the notifications. He called the first number he saw on the screen named: Gwil 🤙🏼 

" Thank fucking god you picked up, Joe do you know how worried we are? " Gwil began talking not even knowing it was Rami on the phone. " Ehm, I'm not Joe. " Rami said hearing an ' Oh. ' on the other side of the line. " Can we talk? It's about Joe. " Rami quickly asked. " Okay, meet me at the little cafe right around the corner. " Gwil said hanging up. Before Rami left he walked towards Joe's room opening the door. " I'm going out for a bit. " He didn't get any response first but then a quiet broken voice said: ' Okay. ' making Rami look down in pity. He closed the door and left the building.


Rami already sat down and not long after he saw a tall boy walk into the cafe. The boy walked towards him, that must be Gwil. " Uhm hey. " Gwil started and Rami introduced himself with a little backstory of how he met Joe. " Is, " Gwil started. " Is he okay? " Rami looked down at his hands. " He didn't talk to me for about a week, he didn't even come out of his room. " Rami said. When Gwil wanted to start talking someone sat beside him in a hurry. " I'm here, sorry I was late. " Lucy said out of breath. " What are you doing here I told you to- " Gwil started but Lucy cut him off. " I don't care, this is about Joe so shut up. " She then turned her head towards the boy infront of Gwil. " You must be Rami, pleasure to meet you. " She greeted sticking her hand out but Rami was still looking at her like she came from a whole different planet. Lucy looked at her hand and then at Rami again. " Oh come on I washed it, no need to be scared. " She said and it made Rami snap out of his gaze so he quickly shook her hand. 

" Joe left yesterday night and I thought he went to see Ben. " Rami claimed seeing Gwil's eyes widen. " Huh? Are you sure? " He asked and Rami shrugged. " I don't know but before that we talked 1 hour long about Ben and Joe's feelings about the situation so, yeah. " He explained. " What do we need to do to make him happy? " Lucy asked being worried. " I think if we were planning to make him like Joe again it's going to take a long time. He really got affected by all of this. " Rami said. " I hate this so much why can't they just admit that they love each other! " Lucy said in frustration covering her face with her hands. 

When they left the cafe they planned to make Joe go outside more and forget about Ben. They all could agree they hated seeing Joe like this so that's why they wanted to make Joe forget about everything even tho it might take decades to actually forget about Ben.

yall 😔 ty for 1.6k viewers im literally 🥺😪 also i still dont know why im making this turn into an angst even tho i promise its not!! just wait, its gonna be better 🤠

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