kiss me .

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They were not really paying any attention to the movie. Everytime there was this ' moment ' they would look at each other. " Dude why did you choose this movie now I'm uncomfortable. " Joe said throwing his head back. Ben would lie if he said that he didn't look at his neck for a split second but Joe didn't need to know that. " Okay I'm sorry sir Zootopia. " Ben said sarcastically. " They kept watching the movie. " She looks so much like my ex in highschool. " Ben said looking at the actress. " Who? Her?! " The brunette asked looking at his friend next to him. " No Simons dad- Yes her. "

 Ben laughed while shaking his head. " What? " His bestfriend asked. " Nothing it's just that she was like you know, my first kiss. " He said shyly looking down. " Ok and? " Joe asked. " Dude you remember your first kiss, it's something you'll never forget. " Ben said but Joe stayed quiet watching the movie that he wasn't really paying attention to. " Ben looked at Joe in curiosity for being so quiet. " Wait Joe.. you had your first kiss, right? " Ben kept looking at the said boy next to him slowly drowning himself deeper in his hoodie. " JOE YOU DIDN- " Ben blurted out but Joe slapped his hand for his mouth. " Stop being so loud damn it! " 

Ben looked at his bestfriend and kinda felt bad for him, they were almost passing 22 for god sake how could Joe not get his first kis- " Stop pittying me Hardy. " Joe said sensing the stare while still holding his gaze at the screen. " Sorry it's just. " Ben cut of his own sentence looking down. " Sad? Yeah I know but I don't care. " But Ben knew he cared cause he knew Joe longer than this, he knew him since kindergarten. They both knew all their secrets and things about each other. " Ben I told you to stop pity- "

" Do you want me to do it? " ..

" What? "

" Nothing. " Ben regretted even opening his mouth just why the fuck would he say that. " No tell me now! " Joe began turning his whole body towards Ben. " You heard me Joe. " Ben said pretending to watch the movie. " Are you crazy?! " Joe yelled. " Oh my god I can't believe. " He said slowly falling down on the couch with his head on the cushion and his arm over his eyes. " Why would you even ask that. " Joe didn't know why he wanted to say yes but he kept rambling. " I mean it is possible but why, how? How could you even- " He let out a long sigh. Joe indeed felt some movements at the end of the couch but he secretly hoped that Ben would just get up. He soon felt some warmth above his own body. Then he felt it, instead of warmth above his skin it was warmth against his own lips. He was shocked but didnt move and stayed in that position with his arm over his eyes. When the warmth moved and felt alone again the silence was yet there. " Ben I really hope you just didn't do what I think you did. " Joe said still laying in the same postion. " What if I did. " Ben asked his voice really low. " What if you did- What if yo- " Joe began ranting scooting up but he moved to quickly because he really was sure Ben left but when he was currently eye in eye with him with their faces too close. Joe couldn't talk, so couldn't Ben. 

haha this made me cringe ok bye 

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