okay .

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It took way too long to get back home, well atleast in Joe's head. Why was everything so weird yet comforting? ' The arcade was fun tho. ' Joe thought to himself. " So .. " Ben started not waiting for another 5 minutes silence until they reached their houses. Joe looked up kinda regretting it since it may had looked like he was interested in what his bestfriend had to say. " It was fun wasn't it? " 

' IS HE SERIOUS?! ' Joe yelled in his head. " Uh yeah. " He answered looking down and putting his hands deeper in the pocket of his hoodie. Yet again silence fell and they were only walking to their own houses. Joe was secretly glad that he didn't need to see Ben in a couple of minutes since he lives behind Ben not to far but still not close. He had thought Ben would say goodbye but he kept walking along with Joe. ' What is his problem? ' Joe asked again, himself. " Ehm. " Joe began standing still looking next to him. " Don't you need to go, you know.. home? " It wasn't like Joe wanted to get rid of Ben it was just that he was not really in the mood to, fuck. Since that's what they always do when they meet. " Oh.. " Ben said looking down like a kicked puppy. Joe hated it whenever Ben did that. ' AS IF I'M GONNA LET YOU COME WITH ME NOW. ' Joe yelled to Ben, yet inside his head. ' He's not gonna come with me, no I REFUSE. "


" Didn't know you got your walls painted. " Ben said as he walked passed the hallway. " Yeah, it needed a change. " Joe said grabbing a bottle Ice-tea. " It or you? " Ben spoke softly looking at his bestfriend behind the counter drinking the bottle almost empty. Joe put down the bottle and placed his hands on the counter looking down sighing. " What do you mean Ben. " Deep down Joe knew what Ben meant. " I don't know- you know nevermin- " Ben started speaking but Joe cut him off. " Ben? " The blonde looked up at Joe. " Hm? " Joe sighed. " What are we? " The silence was suddenly suffocating both of them. The clock was also ticking harder, or was that just Ben imagination? " What do you mean? " Ben asked looking up, still fidgeting with his fingers. " Oh I don't know maybe the fact that not all bestfriends fuck on the daily?! " Joe stated, raising his voice. " You know nevermind maybe it's the best that you leave. " Joe said already making a turn to go upstairs but his wrist got caught. " No wait. " Ben suddenly spoke. Joe was waiting for an explanation but that took way to long. " Ben listen- " He turned around not thinking about the fact that the blonde still had his wrist caught inside his hand and that they were standing close to eachother. Their eyes met and it felt like 5 hours so Joe looked away. " Maybe it- " Joe began sighing. " Maybe it will sound childish but- " He got cut off by Ben's words. " Friends with benefits. " They were quiet again. 

" What? " Joe asked looking at his frjend in disbelief. " I mean- " Ben began, scratching his neck. " It will be without strings attached you know? We both don't need to feel awkward it's like. Playing tennis. " He said. " Playing tennis? " The brunette asked raising his eyebrows. " Yeah, it's gonna be fun. I mean we both are satisfied, not having the feeling to be awkward around each other and when we both find someone it will be like how we were, before all this. " 

No, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no 

Everything inside Joe's head said ' No. ' 

' I swear to god if you say ' Yes ' I will- ' He spoke to himself.

" Okay. " 

' Atleast it wasn't a ' Yes. '

𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 - J.mz & B.hdWhere stories live. Discover now