realize .

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So Ben didn't give Joe any attention the next day. But that's okay, Joe has no reason to be mad at him for that. After Lauren came visit them ' More because of Ben ' Joe really had the feeling Ben forgot about him. Joe was leaning against his locker with Lucy and Gwil next to him. It was quiet without Ben, not complete. Lucy was almost burning while staring at Lauren who was talking to Ben across the hallway. " That's it I'm gonna tell her to leave. " Lucy stated already walking away but Gwil stopped her. " No you are not. " He said letting go of her shoulder. " It's okay, I mean they didn't see each other for like 5 years.  " Joe calmed her down his eyes not leaving the two across him. " Joe are you sure? Do you remember who she is?! " Lucy asked putting her hands on her head like the drama queen she is. " You are making a scene Lucy. Ofcourse I know but maybe she changed, " Gwil looked at them and decided to ask where this hate and disgust came from. 

" At first she was all okay and sweet but oh boy was I wrong. " Lucy began telling while she was gazing at the other girl. " What? " Gwilym asked still confused. " Ok so basically she was toxic, Ben and Lauren's relationship was not good, at all. " Lucy explained further waving when Ben noticed her and waved happily. " She would get jealous quickly and was almost so obsessed with Ben that even at some point she made him delete all his accounts from social media and also made him stop talking to Lucy. " Joe finished. " What the actual fuck? " Gwil did not expect that since just like Lucy said, she actually really looks like a sweet girl. " Not even that but she also came up to me once and told me not to talk to Ben anymore or she would end me! " The blonde yelled in a whisper looking at the taller next to her. " Also sh- " Lucy began but Joe lightly kicked her, more like nudged. 

" Hey guys. " Ben greeted standing next to Joe with Lauren by his side. " Hello Lucy nice to see you again! " Lauren said smiling like she was an angel. " Hey. " Lucy gave her a fake smile. " Oh I gotta go, do I see you after school? " She asked Ben and Ben only nodded. " Dude you promised me to play Mario Kart! " Joe didn't understand why Ben would say yes to hanging out with Lauren while he promised him to hang out first. " I'm sorry man, maybe another day? " Ben asked patting Joe's head. ' It would be really immature of you to be jealous or mad right now so get over it. ' Joe told himself inside his head. " Yeah okay I guess. " When Ben left to head to his class Lucy and Gwil's head turned towards Joe. They couldn't see his face since he opened his locker to ' Grab something '. " You know- " Joe began grabbing his book and smashing his locker shut making his friends slightly flinch. " It's okay, I'm okay. I have no right to be mad I mean they didn't see each other for so long, it's okay for them to catch up. " He said trying to calm himself. " Now excuse me, I have class. " He said smiling at his friends and walking past them.

" How long is it gonna take for him to realize? " Lucy asked looking at the back of Joe's head walking further and further. " Long, really long. " Gwil sighed.


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