the only one .

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After that with Lucy Ben didn't come to school for 3 whole days. Joe knew he was ' sick ' but still he wasn't really happy with him being all alone. Joe hated the fact that Ben was also sick today. It wasn't like that he didn't have any friends besides him but they all were different. " Hey- oh this is weird I'm having a headache. " Gwil said looking at the shorter one who seemed like he wasn't really in the mood, for doing anything at all. " What do you mean? " Joe asked his friend while passing him to go to his class. Gwil followed him since he didn't have any classes until 10 AM and because he loved annoying Joe. " I mean, " Gwil said taking bigger steps finally catching up with Joe. " I've never seen you without your boyfriend. " Joe snapped his head up to Gwil. " Very funny, you know damn well we are bestfriends so cut the bullshit. " 

Joe didn't know why he acted so aggressive and stressed. " Oh ok? Calm down Joe it was just a joke. " The taller said raising his hands up in defense. " But ehm, yeah I guess I'll get going now. " Joe hated the way he acted towards Gwil. The worst part is that he didn't even know why he was being like this. " I guess I'm having just a bad day. " He said to himself while walking to his class.

The bell finally rang and he was relieved that he could go home and cry or something. Everything felt like shit. While walking to his house it began to rain. ' What a fucking cliche thing to do god. ' Joe said inside his head, if his day wasn't already being bad. At this moment he kind of missed someone by his side, to brighten his day. 


" Hey. " Joe said when the door opened. All his clothes were sticking onto his body since they all got wet because of the heavy rain. 

" Why are you all wet? Why did you even go outside? You know how dangerous that is? " Ben ranted while pulling him inside. " I'll grab you some clothes. " He said leaving the room. Joe sat down on the couch looking down at his hands. Atleast he was glad Ben wasn't being shitty today. The blonde came back with a hoodie and and some sweatpants. " I know we both are almost the same height so it won't make you look like you are drowning. " Ben spoke gently giving it to his friend. Joe didn't really think about it too much so he took of his sweater infront of Ben. He didn't even notice his friend snapping his whole head to the side almost breaking his own neck. 

After a while Ben got the courage to ask if he was done. " Yeah. " Joe answered soft. Ben really thought Joe would fit inside his clothes since he was 't that short but Joe was pretty much looking smaller than he already was with that hoodie of Ben on him. " I will give it back to you tomorrow. " Joe spoke sitting comfortably on the couch. " No! " Ben said a bit hard which made Joe flinch but Ben corrected himself. " I mean no, no it's okay you can give it back to me whenver you want. " He finished and sat down next to his best friend. " Do you hate me? " Joe suddenly asks after a long time of silence. " What? Are you crazy? " Ben asked turning to him looking at Joe while the brunette was still looking at the tv on mute. " Joe why are you asking that? " Joe sighed looking down feeling tears began to start streaming. " Because today everyone- everyone was being mean to me and I was also mean and- " Joe started explaining but continued crying. He got cut off by Ben pulling him into a hug. " Why are you crying, please don't. " Ben said laying his head atop on Joe's. " It's okay, I'm here. " The blonde shushed holding his friend in a comfortable manner. 

" Was Gwil mean to you? I will tackle him, even tho I'm shorter. " Ben said mostly trying to make the boy next him laugh, and it worked. Joe wiped his tears away and looked down at his hands. " You know I would never hate you Joe. " Ben spoke grabbing his hands. When they locked eyes Ben couldn't explain how much he hated the feeling he got. 

Hey girlies!!! ok so im sorry for not updating 😔 thats why i decided to make a longer chapter so ehm yeah!! also idk what joe had in this probably periodcramps hahs jk but this was more fluff than smut so yeah bye. ( i cringed )

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