fucked .

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'' I- I , you know that what you did is not- '' Joe got cut off by Ben kissing him, again. '' Why tho? '' Joe asked almost whispering. '' No reason. '' Ben answered, voice as low. They didn't stop, it kept going and Joe started losing control over everything. He knew things were going fast but not that fast that he was already laying on his back. It was taking to long it was already hard breathing but when Ben started grinding down on him he thought he was having a full-on asthma attack. Ben moved his mouth to his neck more and more every second they were doing this. Joe couldn't really do anything he felt weak. When Ben stopped he didn't believe he whimpered. '' Do you want me to stop? '' Ben asked looking at Joe. 




Everything screamed '' Yes '' In Joe's head. So why did he shake his head? 


Joe's head was pounding when he woke up. He hated pretty much everything. While looking through his room- Wait. His eyes opened wide, shit. Joe looked up and started praying softly fast before looking next to him. Because he was scared that he might already know who's bed this was. '' Fuck. ''' He said to himself looking under the sheets. He had the feeling he could faint anytime. He quickly stood up putting his clothes on. 

Joe walked out of Ben's apartment. '' Fuc, fuck, fuck. '' He kept repeating while walking down the streets. He knew who he needed to talk to right now someone who would definitely give him good advice, his friend Gwilym. When Joe called his friend he gladly picked up. 

You could hear some laughing of a girl in the background before the voice returned to the call. '' Hey Joe- '' Joe cut him off. '' Come meet me now at the cafeteria. '' Joe said before hanging up. 

Joe was already nervous, he still couldn't get over- whatever happened last night. '' Okay stop tapping your fucking feet you nervous fuck and tell me what's wrong. '' The boy in front of him said. '' Did you and Ben got into a fight or something? '' Joe's head snapped up at the boy. '' Why would you think that? '' Joe asked still tapping his foot. '' Well, you told me you two were hanging out yesterday so I might as well thought you tw- '' 

'' We fucked. '' 

Gwilym choked on his coffee and tried his best not to spit it out. '' What?! You two fuck- ''  The tall boy started but luckily Joe's other cup of coffee got served, his third one. '' Yes we did. '' Joe said quietly after the lady left them. '' Why- How? '' His friend asked. '' Oh I don't know Gwil why do people fuck?! '' Joe asked in sarcasm. '' Well mostly it's because of a person attracting another by their chemist- '' The taller one started talking. '' You know what? Never mind. '' Joe sighed taking a sip of his coffee. '' Now what? '' Gwilym asked looking at his friend in front of him. '' I don't know maybe Alaska needs a new citizen, although I heard that France is also very prett- '' The brunette rambled. '' No, Joe you need to fix this. How long do you two know each other? It's just a waste if you will break this friendship because of something stupid. '' Joe looked down at his coffee. '' There are also good friends out there in Alaska- '' Joe said but got a flick on his forehead. '' No dumbass, you are going to fix this. '' Gwilym said before finishing his own drink. '' Yeah you're right. We are gonna play games, eat pizza and talk. That's what we always do. '' Joe encouraged himself. '' That's the spirit! But now.. '' Gwilym started while looking at Joe. '' Is he good? '' Joe leaned back again half of his face in his hoodie making grunting noises. '' Is that a yes? '' 

Gwilym couldn't see that much but he definitely saw his friend nodding.  

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