happier .

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Joe laid in bed, just like he actually did the whole week. He didn't want to get up but when Rami barged into his room opening the curtains he had no choice. " Wake up, you my friend, " Rami started dragging Joe out of his bed. " Are going outside. " Joe didn't have a choice since he knew that saying ' No. ' to Rami was impossible. 

" Hey Joe! " Lucy greeted happily when she saw her friend. " Hey mate. " Gwil said looking at Joe infront of him. They tried to not talk about any of this since Joe looked like he didn't eat for 4 days and he really looked dead. " Why am I here again? " Joe asked boringly. " To make you happy! " Lucy said. 

They tried almost everything. They visited the arcade but it made Joe think of Ben. They tried the park, didn't work out either. They ended up back at the cafe. It was raining outside and it made Joe even sadder. They all were looking at Joe who was just playing with his straw. " Okay I'm done, I'm gonna call him- " Lucy started grabbing her phone but Rami stopped her. " I don't think that will help. " He said smiling nicely at her. " I'm dumb aren't I? I just had to see this coming gosh I'm fucking stupid for even trying. " He was mostly refrencing the last part about that night he went to visit Ben. " What?! No you are not I swear if he ever told you that I'm gonna kick his as- " You could sense that Lucy was angry at the whole situation and ofcourse worried. Rami cut her off looking at Joe. " Joe? " He started. " What actually, happened? " Rami asked not having Joe's attention because he was still playing with the straw of his milkshake.

" I visited him because I missed him but, " He sighed in frustration looking up as if they could do something about it. " I don't know I just wanted to see him and tell him. " He looked down again. " You know nevermind, he can suck my dick- well not like that but yeah. I'm fucking over it. " He said sipping on his milkshake. Atleast Rami, Gwil and Lucy could happily say all of this was over. 

Soon after that Joe started going to school again. He was glad he had Gwil, Rami and Lucy as his friends because he couldn't ask for better ones. Ofcourse it was hard seeing Ben in the hallways especially with Lauren by his side but he accepted that he had to move on. Rami could roll with them at school since he stayed with Joe for 1 month until he left again. 

The whole week was going great actually for Joe's surprise. Ofcourse it was hard for him to get into the rhythm again but his friends helped him with that. There was this one day where it looked like Ben wanted to talk to him but it also might've been just his imagination. He ignored the looks Lauren gave him since he knew Lauren never liked him or Lucy. Everyday Joe felt like he got stronger and could handle it he noticed that he didn't think about Ben that often anymore but one thing Joe did not notice is that when Rami was being a nice friend ofcourse, supporting him and being there for him that a person was constantly watching over them. 

ben fuck off you decided this so dont be a jealous bitch ty 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️👊🏼 anyways did yall see bens ig story 🥰🥰 I ACTUALLY LAUGHED WHEN I SAW GWIL PUTTING HIS MIDDLEFINGER UP 

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