thank you .

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" I am so glad you're here. " Joe sighed in happiness looking at Rami who was already unpacking. " I'm staying here. " He stated. Rami was always that kind of guy that when he had something in his head it had to go like that and no one would stop him. Joe met Rami when he was 14. Joe used to visit his grandma on the whole other side of the country. He ofcourse got bored since there wasn't much to do there. That's when he met Rami. 

The blackhaired boy lived across his grandma's house and knew her since his mom was good friends with her. They started talking when Rami's mom visited Joe's grandma and took Rami with her. They quickly became friends and promised to meet each other everytime Joe would visit his grandma again but when Joe turned 17 his grandma passed away. It made Joe's life go downhill since she was the only one still with him. His mother died early and he never really had a good bond with his dad. Rami was there for Joe and ofcourse Lucy and Ben.

" How's life. " Rami asked falling down on the couch after unpakking everything. " Well you know on and off. " Joe said in the kitchen pouring a glass for his friend. " Oh? Is it about that boyfriend of yours? " Rami asked noticing Joe stop moving for a second. " No. " Joe finally said grabbing the glass and walking towards the couch. It got silent for a minute and Joe knew he could not lie to his friend. Rami took a sip of his drink and put it back down, leaning back while gazing at Joe.

 " Don't fucking lie to me now tell me. " Joe looked down, he knew it was impossible to lie to Rami. " Well I don't know it's like everything was okay, I guess. But this one day I was hanging out with Ben, Lucy and Gwil and suddenly this girl asks for Ben and I didn't even realize it was his ex and- " Joe basically started rambling without even knowing so Rami stopped him. " So just to be clear, " Rami began. " Ben's ex came back, they hung out like normal people do when they don't meet for a while. You don't feel good with that thought and that's why you stayed at home? " Joe nodded fiddling with his fingers. 

" You still know, " Rami started looking at Joe making the other look up too. " That this was all good until he found someone else right? " Even tho Joe never liked showing his feelings towards anyone he could see that when reality hit him, it hurted. " Ofcourse, that's what I agreed on. When he finds someone new it's all gonna be okay and everything is going back to what it was. " Joe didn't know why that thought made him even sadder.

Rami just looked at the boy infront of him looking lost. " Joe, " Rami tried to look Joe in the eyes but he was only looking down. " Maybe, he already found that person, maybe that's why he's being busy with Lauren.. " Rami trailed off not really sure of continuing this. Joe looked up at Rami finally and it is because Rami knew damn well that Joe didn't like when people pitied him but seeing tears well up in his friends eyes did break him. " I know. " Joe said smiling bitterly trying to hold it inside but after a few seconds he broke down and covered his face with his hands crying into them. He hated himself for ever starting all of this he just wanted everything to be normal again. Soon he felt arms around him and thanked Rami in his head since he couldn't get the words out. Rami kept helding him tightly shushing him trying to calm him down.

" I hate myself so much. " Joe said when he finally calmed down earning a slap on the back of his head right after those words came out of his mouth. " Don't ever say that. " Rami said having his hand on Joe's shoulder for support. " If I never said that I didn't have my first kiss this- I'm-. " He sighed in frustration. " But if that's the worst part in your head then think about it. " Rami started still not having Joe's fully attention. " Why did he actually do it? You said no and well, he still did it right? Why did he even think about it? " Rami asked seeing Joe's head rise up looking at him. " I- I don't actually know. " Joe said confused while softly frowning. " Is Ben gay? " Rami asked and Joe looked at him in shock while it wasn't that weird since they've been fucking for the past 4 months. 

"Not that I know? No he isn't, he had a girlfriend and talks about tits 24/7. " Joe said ignoring the disappointment inside him. " Yeah but he is still fucking you? " Rami asked looking at Joe. " Well we didn't do anyhing for like a week. " The brunette claimed. After a while when they were still thinking about everything Rami stood up. " Well, I'm done thinking even tho I am positive that he's gay. I'm gonna take a shower. " He said as he already started walking but stopped. He turned around and put his hand ontop of Joe's head. " Stop hiding your feelings Joe, you're only hurting yourself more and more. " He then walked away closing the bathroom door. 

WELL this chapter was fucking long wtaf?? als this was kinda sad bc i feel like joe isnt reallt doing ok ( in this fic ) the not showing his feelings is what i do too and so many other ppl and its bad but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways this was sad bc i was listening to sad songs so 😔

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