i love you too .

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warning: this is going to be a LONG chapter.

" What? " Ben asked again not really believing what he just heard. " Joe please tell me you are joking. " He tried again, were his ears tricking him? " No, " Joe started still looking down trying to fight his tears. " I started having these weird feelings a while back.  I- You know that I don't like having feelings Ben, not for anyone. " Joe said and Ben nodded. Not that Joe could see that since he was only looking at the ground. " I was so scared, I talked to Rami about it, Lucy even Gwil. I felt all these new things I've never felt for a person before and I was so scared of even admitting it to myself while the answer was hiding in me the whole time. And I, " He trailed off looking up seeing Ben blurry so he already could guess he was crying. " I love you. " He finally said and Ben wanted to say something but Joe cut him off. " Doesn't matter, Forget- Forget what I said. " He wiped his tears away with his sleeve. Ben noticed soon after that it was his own hoodie Joe was wearing.

" It's okay, I hope you and Lauren will be happy and I will leave you alone but this was just what I had to say. " Joe said before he walked towards the door saying one last goodbye. 


Rami ofcourse asked what was wrong when he saw that Joe had been crying. Joe had a hard time explaining but that didn't stop Rami from comforting his friend. " It's good that you said it, now you can move on in peace. " Rami tried but Joe started crying even more. " His face Rami he- " Joe sobbed. " He is probably going to tell everyone because he isn't gay and is disgusted. " Rami's sweater was getting soaked but at this point he didn't care. " If he's gonna do that I will kill him. " Rami said still comforting Joe. " I'm so stupid for even thinking I had a fucking chance. " Joe said through his sobs. " No you're not let him be fucking happy with his Lauren he will soon realize what he did wrong. " Rami said. Soon after the doorbell rang. " We came quick as possible. " Lucy said barging in with Gwil. " Awh is your little gay heart broken- " Lucy asked seeing Joe on the couch but Gwil slapped the back of her head. " OWH?! " She rubbed the back of her head. Why did you say that?! " Gwil whispered. " I'm trying to make him happy! " She yelled in a whisper. 

" It's okay Gwil. " Joe said standing up. " Joe, I am so sorry. " Lucy began, she hated Ben because all of this. " Don't. " He held his hand up. " It's okay, I am no longer in his life so he can concentrate on Lauren. I am no one to decide for him what to do. " The brunette said sniffing and feeling tired because of him crying for 1 hour long. Joe looked down and took a deep breath calming himself down. " I think I'm going to bed. " He said walking towards his room. " It's 8 PM? " Gwil asked looking at his watch. " Yeah. " Joe said before closing the door. 

Gwil and Lucy stayed for a bit after that talking about everything. They were scared that Joe would get sad again for a whole week but they were hoping that it was not the case and that Joe could finally move on. " I just hate him so much. " Lucy spoke after she took a sip of her cola. " Why does he need to be so fucking annoying? FOR WHAT? " She asked leaning back on the couch. " Maybe it's a good idea to bury him alive? " Rami began and Lucy looked at him. " Oh my god yes! We can maybe- " She started but Gwil cut them both off. " We can maybe just not do something illegal what would made you both go to jail for your whole lives. " The taller said making Lucy lean back again. " You are such a bore Gwil. " Soon after Lucy's phone rang. " Oh it's my mom. " She explained accepting the call. " Yeah I'll be right there. " She said before hanging up. " Why do you talk to your mom as if she sells cocaine with you? " Rami asked. " Shut up, Gwil come with me you need to help me my mom said. " Lucy stood up walking towards the door. " When Lucy already left and Gwil was about to leave too Rami stopped him. " Are you and Lucy, together? " He asked and Gwil scoffed placing his hand on Rami's shoulder. " Go for it, don't make the same mistake as Joe. " He said. " Gwil are you coming or not?! " Lucy yelled at the end of the hallway at the elevators. " Bye. " Gwil spoke fast before he almost ran towards the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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