lucy .

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After all that agreeing about being not-labeled and just fucking, they've been doing it a lot more. One week after the conversation they at least fucked 4 times a week. Joe was also finally getting into the '' No awkward shit. '' Like Ben said. Even tho Ben and Joe didn't share many classes together they would still find a way to get off every now and then. 

'' Dude I hate fucking maths. '' Ben said as he walked into Joe's room falling on his bed. '' Bro get off my bed I just fixed it. '' Joe said trying to get Ben off but the blonde grabbed his arm and Joe didn't know what kind of combat move that was what his best friend pulled but it got him to lay underneath Ben in no second. '' I ruined your bed anyways so- '' Ben said smirking leaning down. '' No. '' Joe said turning his head. '' Joe please I had a rough day. '' He looked at him with sad eyes. '' Oh no no no I am NOT falling for that shit again. ''


'' Well that was nice. '' Ben said still coming down from his high. '' Y-yeah whatever. ''  ' NICE?! ' Joe yelled inside his head. Joe's phone rang and saw that it was Rami. Happily, he answered: '' Hey man. '' Joe was still laying in bed and didn't know whatever the fuck Ben was but at this point, he didn't really care. '' When are you planning to visit? '' Joe asked seeing Ben come out of the bathroom brushing his teeth while raising his eyebrows. Ben looked at Joe talking on the phone and when they made eye-contact he mouthed: '' Who is that? '' But Joe just shook his head and mouthed back: '' None of your bloody business. '' Ben scoffed getting into the bathroom again finishing brushing his teeth. When he came back Joe was still talking on the phone. '' Oh my god dude if I won't see you this whole month again I'm gonna cry. '' Joe said not noticing that his friend moved next to him in bed. '' Don't fucking cry you pussy I promise I will be there in like 2 weeks. '' Rami said. '' 2 WEEKS? That takes so long- fuck. '' The scoff wasn't even meant for Rami to hear but it was his very beloved friend who was currently getting down on him. '' You'll have to wait I don't care. '' When Rami said that he didn't hear Joe for a while talk back. '' Joe? '' Rami asked only hearing him breathe than suddenly hung up. '' What the actual fuck? '' Rami looked at his phone to see if it was his own phone going off. '' Ok whatever, cunt. '' He said standing up. 

'' I don't like you speaking to someone while we two fuck. '' Ben said softly nipping on Joe's neck. '' I was already- I was already talking to Rami so no- '' Joe actually was mad for Ben hanging up on Rami. But he was horny anyways so it didn't matter, for now.


When Joe walked to school he saw Lucy approaching him. '' Hey Joe. '' She smiled at him which was very weird. '' I don't have money right now Lucy. '' Joe brushed her off changing the song on his phone. '' Oh so what? I can't say hi anymore to you? My childhood friend? '' She placed her hand on her heart pretending to be hurt. '' No fuck you. '' Joe said sticking out his tongue to her. '' Anyways, how's it between you and Ben. '' She asked batting her eyelashes. '' Good I mea- Wait, how do you- '' Joe began looking confused at her while he took one earbud out. '' -Know? '' Lucy finished. '' Well I heard it from Gwil. '' She said smiling at the brunette infront of her. ' Asshole. ' Joe spoke soft more to himself. '' Why didn't you tell me Joe? '' She asked looking at the said boy. '' Because- because I didn't think like, you know.. ehm- '' Lucy cut him off. '' You thought I would get hurt? '' That's right Joe said to himself. He should've known what Lucy told him in secret that she had a crush on Ben 2 Years ago. It was between them and she even asked if Joe could make them be together more often since Joe and Ben were really close. '' Listen, Lucy I am sor- '' Lucy held her hand up cutting Joe off. '' Don't apologize to me kid. ''  The blonde girl smiled patting Joe's shoulder when he looked down. '' Hey I'm at least glad you got laid, took ya long enough virgin. '' She joked and Joe lightly pushed her making them both laugh. 

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