friend .

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Joe and Ben didn't talk for nearly 2 weeks. Joe ofcourse cared but tried to push it away. If he kept ignoring Ben maybe everything would just go away and Joe would be happy. ' If you just ignore him until you graduate it's going to be ok- ' He said inside his head but even in his own head he got cut off by someone grabbing his wrist and dragging him into the janitorcloset. 

Joe wanted to yell at the person but he stopped when he saw who it was. " I know we haven't talked in 2 weeks but can you atleast fucking tell me who he is? " Joe was kinda intimidated since this might be the first time seeing Ben irritated. Ben was always calm it was mostly Joe who did the emotions thing. " And why do you care? " Joe asked looking at him straight in the eyes. " Because I fucking care now tell me. " Ben demanded and Joe took a step back since he did not like this at all. But when he took a step back Ben took a step foreward. It was fun playing this game going back and forth until Joe's back touched the wall. " Fuck. " He cursed under his breath. " Now tell me. " Ben said hovering over him. " It's Rami, my friend. Someone who is with me and supports me. " Joe said bitterly making Ben scoff. " I see that you didn't lose your sense of humor, don't forget who your real friend is. " He said. " Funny because that's what you also said 2 months ago when we fucked and look where we are now. " Joe couldn't stand that Ben was being like this. Lauren sure did change him alot. Ben didn't talk for a minute so Joe pushed him away lightly and walked out of the door. 

" What?! " Lucy yelled. " SHH, shut up! " Joe yelled in a whisper. " Why did he even do that?! " Lucy whispered looking around her to see Lauren or Ben, luckily they weren't around. " Yeah I was like: ' What the actual fuck. ' Gwil and Rami joined them making them flinch. " Woah being secretive now? " Gwil asked and they both started laughing like they were crazy. " Okay tell us, what happened. " Rami said rolling his eyes because of the two. Lucy pushed Joe infront. " It's your story. " She said opening her locker pretending to search for something but was only actually hiding. " Don't freak out but, " Then Joe started explaining. " What?! " Rami yelled and Lucy shut her locker too hard making Joe and Gwil flinch. " That's exactly what I said! " She yelled making Joe want to disappear since his friends were making a whole scene. " I'm gonna talk to him- " Rami said walking awat but Joe nearly jumped on him. " NO. " He yelled trying his best to stop Rami. " Owh! Ok calm down I fucking wont! " Rami yelled trying to get Joe off his back making Lucy and Gwil laugh.

It made Rami and Joe laugh eventually too but the only person not finding it quite amusing was Ben who was currently watching them and decided to take the other stairs because he was not in the mood to pass by them.

OK SORRY THIS WAS REALLY SHORT BUT I CAN EXPLAIN 😔😔😔 well- actually i cant but im bored anyways so i be updating like a fucking beast 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

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