Chapter 1 - Baylie, we're not naming this chapter 'Boss Smash'

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My life was as complicated as it gets. I worked at a corporation where I was the accountant but when required I was also an assassin. Why would a big business need an assassin, you might ask? Well, here's the thing, my boss gets quite angry when things don't get done properly, so it's my job to put an end to the mistakes. Being an assassin accountant is a weird job but it pays well. 

"(Y/n)!" My boss yelled from his office, "Come here!"

I quickly scramble towards the boss's office in the back room, making haste in order to avoid angering him further.

"Y-yes sir!" I say out of breath once I make it to his door. The large man then motions me to sit in one of the plush chairs in front of his desk, cigar resting against his lips as he takes a puff from it.

"I have a task for you," the large man says, smoke billowing in my face as I will myself not to cough. Trying to breath as evenly as I could, I manage to say through my burning throat, "Task? What would you like me to do sir?"

He held the cigar on the right side of his mouth with his teeth and folded his hands in front of his face.

"We have had a contract with an organization. They were supposed to do some hacking for us but unfortunately the deadline was two days ago. I would like you to find the hacker they put responsible for this task and end this behavior," he said through clenched teeth. He sat back in his chair and inhaled from his cigar, letting out a long trail of smoke as he rolled it around in his fingers. He then slid a picture of a redhead boy that looked about my age.

"Make sure they finish their job before you kill them. Kidnap, torture, whatever you have to do. I want that info," (he craves that mineral) the man said, slamming a meaty fist on the poor wooden desk as a bit of ash dropped from the cigar in his mouth.

"I expect you back in a weeks time, you hear? Don't make me regret my generosity."

Giving my boss a curt nod I grabbed the photo then stood and made my way to the door before turning around, "Where exactly can I find this guy?"

"He's in Korea. We've already booked you a flight, now go!" The man ordered gruffly.

I swiftly walked out of my boss's office and made my way to the parking lot. This was going to be interesting considering I've never been to Korea before. I climbed into my car and drove to my house to pack my things. The flight time was in an hour so I threw my belongings into the back of my car. Since I wouldn't be able to bring weapons on the plane I would have to buy them there. Those Korean lessons would finally come in handy!

After the thorough examination by airport security, I finally made it on the plain, which happened to be packed with people. 'Wow, can't believe I forgot about my claustrophobia and fear of flying. This is going to be fun.' Taking my seat, I hunkered down for the long flight ahead.

*a few hours later*

I swear if the kid behind me doesn't stop kicking the seat I'm going to freaking lose it. The redhead won't be the only one who should watch his back once I get off this flying metal deathtrap.

*another timeskip*

After exiting the plane, I took some time to take some deep breaths and stretch, appreciating solid ground. I made my way to baggage claim for my luggage, then walked to the exit of the airport. At the exit there was a Korean man holding up a sign with my name written on it. 'So my boss actually does care enough to send someone to pick me up,' I thought to myself. I made my way to the man and bowed at him.

"Hello, sir. Thank you for picking me up," I said in Korean. The man chuckled as he led me to a nice black car with blacked out windows.

"You're very welcome. I hope your flight was okay," the man said in perfect English.

I stepped into the car, relaxing until we made it to the hotel I would be staying at. I stepped out of the car and nodded to the driver who gave a friendly wave. Dragging my stuff into the lobby, I got good a look around the establishment. It wasn't a luxury resort, but at least it seemed decent enough. Satisfied, I checked in and was lead to my room.

"Room 707, I hope you enjoy," the kind receptionist said to me as she started to make her way back to the front desk.

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