Chapter 12 - The bitch slap of the century, followed by undying feelings of love

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After a hush fell over the entire venue, Seven continued on with what he wanted to say.
“Some time ago, an angel after my heart made her appearance in my life. My angel changed my life for the better, and I have never been happier.”

I looked on as MC smuggly glanced at me, tossing some of her hair over her shoulder.

“I love you, (y/n). You will always be the angel that makes me want to be a better person.”

Seven then exits the stage as I watch MC angrily storm off towards the exit. I made an arguably questionable split second decision to follow her, still feeling bad for the woman even if she was a psycho bitch.
As I stepped outside, I saw MC sitting on a bench in the the moonlight, her head in her hands as her hair cascaded down her back and fell off her shoulder. She really was pretty, too bad to was on the wrong route, one with a bad ending. As I walked toward MC, I gently reached out my hand to rest it on her shoulder.

I had barely made contact with her when she suddenly brought up her own hand to slap away mine, glaring at me through glossy tear filled eyes.
“What more do you want? You already have him,” the upset woman gestured aggressively toward the building where the party was taking place.
“I was just coming to apologize. It was never my intention to steal him from you. Or for him to say all that just now. I’m sorry you're hurt, but he’s my boyfriend and I love him-”

Suddenly MC’s hand was blur as she attempted to slap me. My assassin reflexes kicked it as I used one hand to grab MC’s and the other to backhand her. MC’s eyes widened as she held her stinging cheek that was already a vibrant red. With a blank expression, she walked past me, her shoulder harshly bumping into mine as she left the party.
I sat down on the bench that was recently occupied by MC, letting out a sigh of relief, exhaustion, sadness, just all the feels. Suddenly, I noticed Seven walking out of the party, frantically looking around until his eyes landed on my form.

Rushing over to me, he also took a seat on the bench, grabbing my hands that had been resting in my lap, “There you are. I’m sorry I doubted you, my angel. Please forgive me.”
“Hmmmm,” I said with a playful smirk, “Well, okay. But only if you make me sandwiches.”
Seven let a teasing smirk show on his lips as well. “Oh? Well if that’s what my angel wants, that’s what she’ll get.”

I let out a giggle at the new nickname I seemed to have gotten, “So, Luciel huh? 707, Seven, and now Luciel? You sure do have a lot of names.”
“Yeah, but none of them are my real name. They’re kind of like aliases, a different name means a different me.” Seven said with a dry laugh.
I tilted my head questioningly, “Then...What is your real name?”
A smirk formed on Seven’s face, “My real name? That fetches a high price. Am I going to get some sort of repayment?” he questioned as he gestured to his lips.

Without hesitation I kissed him, my tongue dancing along his bottom lip until he welcomed it inside his mouth, twisting it with his own appendage. I let out a moan before pulling away for air.
I smiled at Seven, “Now spill. What’s your name?”
“Saeyoung is my real name,” he said with a wink.
I smiled and gave him a quick kiss, “I like your name but I love you, Saeyoung Choi.”
A blush spread over his cheeks at that, “I love you too, (f/n) (l/n).”

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