Chapter 5 - The Dalai Lama knows all about my company's tea that got spilled

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Immediately, my phone went off with an alert about an email from my company. However, when I opened the file I found all the dirty secrets the company I used to work for tried to hide over the years. Missing people, destruction of environments, money laundering, assassination orders, basically everything bad an entity could do they did. Thankfully Seven had removed any mention of my name or part in the the list of assassinations, with the latest task to kill him completely omitted. ‘Guess he doesn't want anyone knowing his whereabouts or discovering him either.’

I was silent for a moment before bombarding the hacker with questions, “Why did you take out my name for the assassinations? And completely erase the fact they sent me to kill you? And who all got this email?”

Seven shrugged. "First of all, I don't want anyone to know that I exist because it complicates things. Secondly, I sent this Email to everyone inside your company, as well as multiple influential groups and entities. Some of the recipients include the FBI, multiple presidents and prime ministers, the Dalai Lama, and certain interest groups I'm not at liberty to name right now. With all the info I released, there is no doubt your entire company is going to jail. Lastly, you had no idea what was going on in your organization. You were just doing your job so I decided to cut you a break. Plus I quite like you." The redhead smirked at the last bit of information he revealed then bopped my nose with a gentle finger before he stood up.

"I- well... I appreciate what you have done then. I hate the fact that they decided to double cross me," I said. Suddenly, the realization hit me. I wouldn't be able to go home. My organization may be going to jail but they could still find me and try to kill me through an outside source. When my boss got out of jail it wouldn't be good for me either. My face flushed with the sudden realization and put my face in my hands.

"Nice going idiots, now she's stuck with us," Vanderwood said from the other side of the room. "Us?" Seven echoed, raising an eyebrow, "I don't remember you ever living here."
"Well now I have no choice. With a stunt like that against a client, there's no way our organization is going to let it slide this time. And since I'm the one that was supposed to keep you on track, they're going to think I was planning this with you. So good job, you just screwed us all."

I frowned. "I'm sorry Mr...Vanderwood, was it? I would personally rather be stuck with no home in a foreign land than be killed by my own organization when I returned home. If you don't want to have to deal with me, fine. I can just fend for myself."

Seven shook his head and pointed at me. "You. You're going to stay here. I can't let my effort go to waste. I will keep you safe," he stated then pointed at Vanderwood, "And you. We will write a report that I was almost done with the job and that someone from another organization ratted them out. If you don't want to deal with her then just leave. I don't need your approval on who I let stay in my house."
I looked at Seven in admiration. I would have never been able to tell someone who was higher up than me what to do.
Vanderwood stood there in shock then sighed. "Fine. I'll tell the boss your lie, but you feed and entertain her."

Seven nodded and got back to hacking as Vanderwood pulled out what I assume is his personal laptop and started typing quickly, his fingers a blur and the sound of clicks from the keys the only thing breaking the silence in the room as everything fell silent.

Then Seven decided to speak up, "I almost forgot! Destroy your phone."
He said that so cheerfully that I got confused, "Uh, excuse me? This is the latest model smartphone, the Universe 9,000, I'm not going to destroy a phone that cost more than my college-"
Just then, the phone slipped from my hands, shattering in a million pieces on the floor. "Knew I should have bought that case for the case," I muttered, "Anyway! Why did you want me to destroy my phone?”

"Oh, because your former company had a tracker put in it. If you look closely the device landed by your left foot."
Glancing down, I did notice a tiny red cube that landed next to where I was standing. Growling, I was quick to stomp the thing into oblivion, leaving behind a nearly powder substance.

Vanderwood suddenly closed his laptop and sighed. "It's done. What's your plan now, hmm?"
Seven smirked and casually said, "Well I'm going to eat my delicious chips sent from heaven while finishing this other job. I don't care what you do."
Vanderwood raised an eyebrow. "So NOW you decide to finish a job?"
Seven nodded, his focus completely on his task while his fingers blurred across his keyboard. "I'd rather not get a second assassin," Seven joked.
I glared at him, "Oh yeah? And you wanted the first?" The redhead shrugged, "Can't say I mind you here," he said while turning to me with a wink.
"Just get back to work," Vanderwood and I said at the same time.
"Fine, fine. My bad for being friendly," Seven said, "However, it's hard to concentrate while I'm so parched from the deliciousness of Honey Buddha chips. I don't think I can continue unless I get a Ph.D Pepper."
"Then go get one," Vanderwood said annoyed by Seven's over the top dramatic behavior.

The redhead pretended to crumple over his keyboard, "I'm just... so thirsty. If only there was a pretty girl to bring me Ph.D Pepper... she would be a goddess."
I rolled my eyes with a big smile on my face and went to the fridge to grab him a drink. Vanderwood looked at me in disbelief "I can't believe you're falling for that!"
I shrugged then placed the drink next to Seven, "Hey, I owe the kid for saving my life. Plus it's just a drink. I don't mind doing something kind."

Hacker boy hugged me suddenly, his arms around my waist and his head just below my boobs. I blushed as he let out a string of thank yous. I patted his head and cleared my throat, "Now that you have your drink you better finish your work."
Seven laughed and released me. Vanderwood raised an eyebrow then came over and flicked the redhead in the forehead. "You better not let a pretty lady distract you from your work, idiot."

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