Chapter 8 - Thank you, Jumin, for calling Yoosung's mom

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After a few hours of watching Yoosung play LOLOL, I got up and stretched. The sun had already set and it was getting late into the night. I made sure to put my clothes in the dryer and made my way over to Seven.
“Are you boys hungry? I could make some food,” I offered.
Seven didn't even move his gaze from his screen as he muttered, “Yeah. That's fine.”
I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.
I stood behind Yoosung and he looked up at me.
“What about you, Yoosung?”
The blonde boy smiled widely, “Sure. I can help you make it,” he offered.
I nodded and we made our way to the kitchen. I looked through Seven's empty cabinets but luckily I found enough food for a beef stir fry. The sandwiches in the fridge could be saved for lunch tomorrow, as the three of us should have no problem eating the rest, ensuring none went to waste.

After gathering all the ingredients necessary to cook beef stir fry, I was impressed by Yoosung's cooking abilities. Not only did it seem as if he knew all the correct steps by heart, but I could tell my help wasn't needed. Without the blonde noticing, I slipped out of the kitchen and into the living room. I silently glided across the room to stand behind Seven, who turned towards me with an eyebrow raised, “What is it, (y/n)?”
“You didn't tell me your friend was a better cook than me,” I pouted while crossing my arms over my chest, “He didn't even need my help.”
“Hmm. But you never asked?” Seven quietly chuckled at my antics.
“I know,” I said in defeat, “I just wanted to cook something for you since you made all those sandwiches for me.”
Seven smiled and turned back to his work, “Well, maybe next time then.”

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I raised an eyebrow at him. “Next time. You make it sound like I'll be staying with you for a long time.”
Seven shrugged. “I'd like you to stay but it's up to you.”
I smiled at him. “You're way nicer than I thought you would be when I was assigned to kill you. I appreciate you allowing me to stay. Maybe I'll be able to find a job near by in the future.”
Seven peeked a look at me with a smile on his face. “Well, I couldn't leave such a pretty girl on her own in a foreign country. I also don't mind the company.”
I placed my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it affectionately. “Yeah, well, I don't think I'll be leaving anytime soon.”
Seven turned to me and smiled a goofy  grin. My heart once again tightened at the sight of this boy. The cute smiles and nice deeds made it hard not to fall for him. This handsome boy was making me want to never leave his side. I already knew his secret, but I wanted to learn more about him. I wanted to learn the small details like his beliefs, his favorite color, and even his favorite movie.

Just then our moment was broken when Yoosung stuck his head into the living room. “Dinner is ready, guys,” he called.
I shook my head and made my way over to the kitchen with Seven not far behind me. We all grabbed plates of food and sat on the couch. I took a bite of food and smiled.
“Wow Yoosung! This is great,” I praised.
Yoosung smiled proudly. “Aww, thank you (y/n).”

After our meal, I volunteered to wash and put away the dishes, as Yoosung had pretty much done all the cooking. After scrubbing the dishes in soapy water, I then walked through the door leading into the living room, stretching as I did so. Yoosung was already back to playing video games, so I decided to join him for a bit. After a few rounds of Mario Kart, Seven stood from his desk and sat beside me on the plush couch. Thinking nothing of it I continued to play the game, pausing when I felt something on my shoulder. Glancing over, I saw Seven leaning his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face, seemingly asleep. I decided not to disturb him, as the poor guy has been working all day, and continued playing with Yoosung. A few minutes later, Seven’s arms wrapped around my waist and he snuggled his face closer to my neck, but this time I caught the mischievous expression that briefly flickered across his face.

Chuckling a bit, I paused the game and turned to Yoosung, “Sorry Yoosung, but I think Seven’s tired. I think it’s time we went to bed.”
The blonde boy nodded, “ Okay, good night!”

I unraveled Seven's arms from around me and stood up. I grabbed his hand and pulled gently as he barely budged, letting out a groan.
“Seven. Let's go to bed. Get up,” I pleaded.
He groaned again then mumbled, “Carry me.”
I sighed and crouched down, ready for him to get on my back. The mischievous redhead climbed onto my back and laid his head in the crook of my neck, his breath brushing the back of my neck.

I groaned under the dead weight of the tall boy and quickly made my way over to the bedroom so I wouldn't drop him. I turned around and let go of his legs to drop him onto the bed but it backfired and he dragged me on top of him, his arms still around my neck.
“Seven! Let go,” I let out while tapping his arms.

He released his grip on me and I stood up again. I quickly changed into a baggy t-shirt and shorts then came to see Seven in the same position, and crossed my arms.
“Seven? Are you going to get ready for bed,” I asked while kicking his foot which was hanging off of the bed.
He sat up with a smirk on his face and started taking off his clothes in front of me. I could feel my face instantly get hot as he was only left in his boxers.
He slid under the covers and said, “‘Kay, I'm ready for bed. Get in.”

I bit my lip and sat on the opposite side of the bed. I'm not complaining about having a cute, half naked boy next to me in bed but why did things come to this. This is all that man Jumin's fault for calling Yoosung’s mom. I might have to thank him later. Or kick him, I'm not sure yet. I snuggle under the covers and Seven snakes his arms around me, pulling me against his bare chest.
I blushed and looked up at the redhead, “Goodnight Seven.”
“Good night (y/n),” he said in a sleepy voice and gave my neck a gentle kiss before falling into the oblivion of sleep. I however, could not fall asleep for a while, as my face was so hot I was pretty sure it was a fire hazard right now. ‘Did this boy just...neck kisses...cute,’ I couldn't even think in full sentences I was so flustered. However, I was eventually able to fall asleep (after many hours) due to the deep even breathing of Seven and the warm coziness of him snuggled up behind me.

The next morning, I awoke to a tickling sensation on the back of my shoulder. I stretched a bit and looked over, seeing Seven in the same position of big spoon as he was the night before, arms still holding me close. I shimmied around to try and loosen Seven's grip, much to his protest, before turning to face him. The redhead immediately wrapped his arms around me once more and snuggled himself in my chest. Wanting to cuddle him back, I looped my arms over his shoulders, petting and playing with his hair. I was happy to find that it was soft and fluffy, and very fun to play with.

Seven smiled widely, "That feels nice."
I blushed as he opened his eyes to look at me. He was making an odd face at me and I frowned.
"Why are you looking at me like that," I asked. He brushed the hair away from my face and replied, "You're really cute."
I hid under the covers as my face gained a red hue. Seven pulled the blanket away from my face. "I'm serious," he said, his face extremely close to mine.
I bit my lip, “Thank you. I think you're cute too.”
The redhead smiled and wrapped his legs and arms around me, his hot breath on my neck.
I smiled. This was nice. Back home I had never really cuddled like this before. I think I could get used to this. I ran my fingers through his thick, red hair then kissed the top of his head.
“Alright Seven. I'd love to stay like this all day but you have work to do,” I said.
Seven whined and pulled me closer, “Aw come on! Just a little bit longer? Pleeease?”
I sighed, giving into his puppy dog eyes, “Fine. A few more minutes so I can completely wake up. But after that it's time to get up and eat breakfast, then start the day.”

I wasn't even completely done with my sentence before Seven had already once again snuggled into the crook of my neck, his breathing becoming deep and even. I sighed once more with a gentle smiled, hugging him closer to myself as well.

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