Chapter 6 - Even assassins need eye candy (I TOLD YOU IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM)

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Hours went by as Seven continued typing on his computer, only pausing to snack on honey buddha chips and drink Ph.D Pepper. I preoccupied myself by sitting on the plush couch in his living room and watching TV. Before either of us new it, it had become very late in the afternoon and I was becoming sleepy.

Letting out yet another exhausted yawn, I caught the attention of Seven.
“If you're tired you can take my bed, I don't mind sleeping on the couch. Plus, I'll probably be up a bit longer. Just let me take a shower real quick,” the redhead then stopped what he was doing and went in what I assumed the direction of the restroom was.

Feeling tired, it took a few minutes to will myself into a standing position, dragging my feet to the room Seven had indicated as his, ready to take a shower myself and then sink into the blissful world of dreamland. Making it to the redhead's room, I went straight to the bathroom that was connected to it, thinking Seven had gone to shower in the other bathroom within his home.

However, opening the door to the bathroom, I realized I was very wrong, as standing there before me in all his glory was Seven, slightly damp with droplets of water still glistening in his hair and a towel hung around his waist.
My eyes traveled the length of his body as my cheeks gained a red tint. For a boy who locks himself inside his house and stuffs his face with junk food, he sure is buff.

‘Oh man, he even has a nice butt!’ I thought to myself as I analyzed his nearly naked form.
Suddenly I snapped back into reality as the red headed hottie yelled my name while simultaneously waving his hand in front of my face.

My cheeks suddenly felt like they were on fire as I quickly realized the situation. “Oh my God! I am so sorry! I thought you were using another bathroom,” I exclaimed as I hid my face and hightailed it out of the bathroom.
As I made my escape I could hear the muffled sound of Seven laughing.

I retreated to the living room where I hid my face into the couch. A few minutes later Seven made his way into the living room with a huge smirk on his face. I sat up and glared at him.

“Don’t give me that look! It was truly an accident,” I huffed out with pink cheeks.
He raised an eyebrow, a smug look on his face. “But I know you liked what you saw,” he said with a wink.
“W-whatever! I'm taking a shower!” I yelled as I marched passed him.
Chuckling more, Seven replied, “I'll be sure not to walk in on you and check you out.”
Blushing harder, I walked faster towards Seven's room, hurriedly getting in the shower, all while I could hear the redhead's amused laughter coming from the living room.

After turning on the water and stepping into the shower, I sighed as the warm water slid down my body and relaxed my muscles. I thought about all the events that happened today, and how I could never go back to my home. I fought back tears as I reached for some soap and started lathering up. I was snapped out of my thoughts, however, as my nostrils caught the peculiar scent of the soap. It was hard to describe, but it smelt really good. Like fresh man. I moved on and found some shampoo that I lathered in my hair before rinsing it out and turning off the water. As I dried myself, I realized a very important detail that had been ignored up to this point. I looked down to the clothes I had discarded before stepping into the shower, realizing I had no extra. Which meant I had 2 options, well, a lot of options, but only 2 that I was actually willing to do. The first being to stay in the towel that was currently wrapped around me until I was able to locate the laundry room in Seven’s house and wash my clothes, which by all means sounded unpleasant. And cold. The second was to raid Seven’s room and borrow some of his clothes, which was kinda weird, but sounded like the warmer option.

Bracing myself, I adjusted the towel around myself once more before opening the bathroom door and looking around the room. Finding a dresser to the right of me, I immediately started rummaging through the drawers, hoping I wouldn't find anything weird. I eventually came across the items I was searching for, some boxers and a long t-shirt. Putting them on, I grabbed my dirty clothes and headed to the living room, where Seven was still trying to finish his hacking job. I cleared my throat to get his attention, and received a grunt as response, his eyes never leaving his computer monitor.

“Uh, where is your laundry room? I kinda need to wash my clothes, seeing as this is the only outfit I have at them moment.”
“Down the hall to the left,” the redhead replied immediately before my words sunk in, “Wait, only outfit? What are you wearing now-”
As Seven turned around and saw me, his face bloomed red in a scarlet blush.
I raised an eyebrow then smirked when I realized why he was blushing. “Sorry I had to borrow your clothes. They are comfy and kinda cute on me. Don’t you agree?” I winked at him while posing.
He covered his face with his hands, “Why did my assassin have to be a pretty girl?”
I giggled, “I'll stop distracting you with my sexiness and go do my laundry,” I said while walking down the hallway.
“Tomorrow we are getting you your own clothes,” he called after me as I took a left into the laundry room.

I loaded my clothes into the washing machine then walked back to his room, feeling his eyes on me as I walked past him. I was starting to have fun at this boy’s house considering I hadn't wanted to be here in the first place. Aside from being a hacker for a dangerous company, Seven was a really nice guy who was also very attractive. I crashed onto his bed and buried my face into his pillows. I took a deep breath and sighed happily. Even his sheets smelled good! I snuggled underneath his covers, the warmth of the blankets and Seven's strong scent making it feel like I was enveloped in his embrace. ‘Maybe staying here won't be so bad,’ I thought as my consciousness quickly faded into the dream realm.

I woke up the next day to the feeling of someone gently nudging my shoulder. I opened my bleary eyes to see Seven leaning over me, fully dressed and holding my clean folded clothes with car keys in hand, “Get up loser, we’re going shopping.”

Groaning, I pulled the blankets over my head before rolling over to my other side, which did nothing to dissuade Seven, who promptly pulled away my warm cocoon and exposed me to the chilly air. I huffed then glared at the hacker that stood before me, finally relenting, “Okay, fine. At least leave the room so I can get dressed.”
Seven smiled and handed me my clothes before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I quickly changed into my daytime attire before exiting the room and heading toward the kitchen to find something to eat before the involuntary excursion seven had planned.

I found Seven leaning against one of the countertops in the kitchen, with a slightly excited look on his face.
“Uh, what’s up?” I asked a bit nervously.
“Are you hungry (y/n)?”
“Um, yeah, actually. I am,” I answered cautiously.
“Good,” Seven said while opening the refrigerator door.
Looking into said appliance, I noticed it was practically overflowing with a certain dish.
“S-sandwiches?” I said in bewilderment.
Seven nodded excitedly before motioning to different shelves and showing all the different varieties he had made. Tons of combinations of sandwiches lined the shelves of his refrigerator, with and without crust. He had put so much effort into making all those sandwiches for me that I felt so touched.
“Thank you, Seven,” I giggled as I grabbed a (f/s).

I took a bite of my sandwich and sighed in enjoyment. After quickly devouring the meal I gave him a big smile, “This may just be a simple sandwich, but it's the best sandwich I've had in awhile.”
Seven laughed and said,
“Oh yeah? Well we're going to be having sandwiches for a long time.” I shook my head at him then headed to the garage with a smile on my face. I looked around the garage in awe. I still couldn't believe a kid as young as him could have all these cars! He pressed a button on the set of keys and the lights of a cherry red convertible flashed.

I smiled widely at him, “Can we put the top down?” I asked him excitedly.
He laughed and climbed into the driver's seat. “Of course we can,” he said with a smile.
I got into the passenger's seat and put my hair up, “Oh, by the way, I went by your hotel room and grabbed your belongings. I also got this,” he said as he held up my wallet then quickly put it in his pocket when I tried to snatch it away, “You will get this back after shopping. I want to treat you today.”
I smiled and hugged him, “You don't have to do that! Thank you, Seven.”
He nodded at me and started the car. I let out a giddy squeal of excitement at the loud purr of the cherry red sports car. Seven revved the engine with a huge smile on his face and tore out of his garage. I let out a loud whoop as the wind whipped through my hair. I hadn't had this much fun with someone in a long time. I was hardly able to get out of the office, let alone did I have time for another human being. My dating life was sad but maybe that was about to change. I watched the surroundings zoom by as the redheaded boy expertly navigated the roads of Korea. I peeked a look at Seven and smiled widely. His face was full of life and happiness like a kid on Christmas opening the gift he had asked Santa for multiple times. Seeing the pure joy on this cute boy's face made my heart tighten in what I could only assume was the beginning of a crush.

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