Chapter 3 - I Met a Hot Guy on the Subway that was a Way Better Spy than Me

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Since the subway would be cheaper than a cab and the station was right next to the hotel, I decided to take the subway. I made my way out of the hotel and toward said underground transportation system. I didn't get much of a look when I got to Korea but as I walked to the station I took in the beauty of the unfamiliar city with awe. As I waited for the subway car to make it down to my section, there was a sudden swarm of women towards one of the benches. I tried to see what the girls were so fixated on but it was impossible to get a glimpse of anything through the horde of bodies.

Shrugging to myself, I decided to keep my distance, as I wanted to stay as inconspicuous as possible. Though I couldn't help but wonder what had all those ladies so preoccupied. It's not like there could be a walking statue around here or anything, that's utterly ridiculous. Soon, the train I was waiting for arrived and I quickly boarded. However, the crowd of fawning women soon got on board as well, seemingly following someone.

Looking over, I let out a slight gasp, 'Holy crap! This country DOES have walking statues, what the fuck.' The man soon caught sight of my gaze, sparkling crimson eyes making my heart melt as his long hair flowed gracefully over his shoulder in long silky locks. The small smirk he gave me as he walked over made my panties moist, and wow, I could watch his lips move forever. 'Wait. Lips moving?'

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" I asked. 'I was too busy undressing you in my mind,' I mentally added.
The handsome man spoke once again, "I asked if it's alright if I stand next to you. The other side of the train is pretty crowded."
'That's just because the women want to be near someone so handsome,' I thought, but chose to keep it to myself.
"Sure, I would love the company," I said, trying not to make a scene, but getting piercing glares from many of the other women on the train.
"I'm Zen, by the way. What's your name?"
"(y/n)," I said with a polite smile. Nothing bad could come from me giving this handsome stranger my name, right?

The whole ride, Zen and I talked about any and everything. Even though he was eye candy, he was a very interesting person to keep up a conversation with, shattering all my stereotypical beliefs of pretty people. By the time my stop came up for the area I wanted to start my search in, we were practically best friends.
As I moved to leave, the attractive man caught my arm, "Wait, at least take a selfie with me before you go?"

Laughing a bit, I agreed to the photograph. 'What could go wrong? It's not like he could be best friends with the hacker I'm after, right?'
The man smiled after the picture, "I'm just going to post this to my group chat real quick- oh, Seven says he knows you. And he says hi," he gave me a confused look, "How do you know Seven?"
My eyes widened for a brief moment but I quickly hid my shock. 'I can't let this beautiful man know I'm after his friend.'

I shrugged and said, "I actually recently met him." I wasn't lying to Zen since I had just learned of the mysterious guy recently. This hacker was becoming the bane of my existence. I mean come on! He's able to get to me through a random cute guy I met on the subway?!
Zen smiled a dazzling grin at me, "Oh, I see. I'll tell him you said hi." I placed a hand on his arm before he could send the message, "Actually, I was supposed to go to Seven's house but I got lost. Could you help me find the way?" I asked while giving him a sad look.

Zen shook his head apologetically, "I would love to, but I'm not sure where he lives either, and I have to be at an audition here shortly. But I really hope you find his place," the man waved as I exited the train. 'Well there goes my plan for taking one of his friends hostage if things go south at the location he sent. I better be careful, it's probably a trap.'

I was so concentrated in my thoughts as I left the subway station that I became disoriented on the busy city street. 'Great,' I thought, trying to type the address into google maps on my phone (this fanfic isn't sponsored, I swear), only for it to show that the location didn't exist. I groaned, 'Of course it isn't even a place! This kid has been steering me wrong this whole time. I just need to relax and not even play his little games anymore.'

I decided to walk around a little bit to see if I could spot him but I had no luck; that is until I bumped into a man dressed up in all black with cheetah print on the inside of his jacket. The man had long, brown hair and a frown on his face.

I bowed quickly, "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I was lost in my thoughts."
"Your the reinforcements the organization sent for Seven, right? Come with me," the man said curtly while talking ahold of my arm.
"W-what are you talking about?" I tried to play innocent, but the man seemed to see right through it.
"Because he isn't doing his job. Seriously, you're just now getting here? I sent a request for backup a week ago."

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