Chapter 7(07)

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After stopping by a few stores to pick up a few necessities for me; clothing, hygiene essentials, a new phone, weapons, the usual, we stopped by a small cafe on our way back to Seven’s house. Upon entering the establishment, the strong aroma of coffee hit me and made my mouth start to water. It was already lunch time, but the smell of the freshly ground coffee beans forced me to order a cup along with my food.

As Seven and I were sitting down and enjoying our meal, I notice some people stand from their table and start walking towards us. My hand instinctively reaches for the concealed knife at my thigh until I recognize a familiar head of long flowing white hair and striking red eyes.
A smile breaks out on my face as I wave and call out to the man, “ZEN! Hi!”

The man smiles back as his shoulders relax a bit and he sits down at the table along with the woman that was just eating with him.
“I thought that was you, (y/n),” Zen said with a charming smile, “Jaehee said that she thought she saw Seven over here so we came to say hi. I’m glad you were able to find him and meet up like you wanted.”
I chuckled a bit nervously, “Y-yeah, I was,” I trailed off, the conversation getting a bit awkward.
This detail was completely ignored by Zen however, as he then asked, “So, you guys on a date or something?”
I blushed and opened my mouth to dismiss that idea but I was cut off by Seven, “Yes we are. We went shopping and now we decided to have a nice, romantic lunch.”

I narrowed my eyes slightly at Seven and kicked him under the table. The boy didn't even flinch as Zen smiled and said, “Oh that's great news! I don't even recall when Seven went on a date last. If Seven hadn't snagged you then I sure would have.” Seven grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.
“Yes, well I quite like her,” Seven said with a wink at me.
Jaehee smiled at the obvious blush on my cheeks. “Well it seems like you two get along well. How did you meet?”
I raised an eyebrow at the redheaded boy then smiled widely.
“Yes Seven. How did we meet,” I asked him, testing to see if he could hold up his lie.
The hacker didn't even skip a beat, “Well actually, we met at a cat cafe. We bonded over our love for cats.”
Zen sneezed, “Oh God. Did you have to mention the ‘c’ word?”
Jaehee smiled, “That's a cute place to meet. I just hope you're not a cat abuser like Seven.”
I raised an eyebrow at the redhead next to me, “Cat abuser, huh?”
Seven shook his head, “No! I love Jumin's cat, Elly! She's just so soft and fluffy and her white hair is purrrrfect!”

I had never seen Seven talk about something like that before. He was talking about this cat with utter affection, like he was talking to a baby. It was honestly very endearing to hear.
Jaehee looked at her watch and her eyes widened, “Well looks like I have to go. Mr. Han won’t be very happy if I'm late getting back from my lunch break.”
Zen frowned, “That stupid Jumin is working you too hard Jaehee!”
Jaehee sighed then bowed, “Yes, well it's work. See you later.”

We all waved goodbye to Jaehee, and I smirked once more, “So you and Jaehee, huh Zen?”
The beautiful man just looked at me with a slightly confused expression, “What? We're just friends. She really likes the musicals I'm in.”
“Suuuure, but I'm pretty sure musicals aren't the only thing she likes,” I responded while wiggling my eyebrows, “You should-”
A kick under the table from Seven cut me off mid sentence as he hissed, “He's not ready.”
“I should what?” Zen asked, seemingly even more confused.
“You should, uh, try this coffee here! It's delicious! And bring Jaehee with you,” I tried to cover.
“Uh, okay then?” Zen replied. “Anyways, I should probably get going now. Have fun on the rest of your date,” the handsome man winked at us then waved goodbye.

After Seven and I had finished our meal, we went back to his house, where he excused himself to finish another job his agency had given him.
I set up my hygiene products in Seven's bathroom and started snooping through the drawers. His bathroom was like any typical single man in his early twenties. He had one or two towels in the bathroom closet with his toiletries. His drawers were mostly empty except for the basic hygiene products such as deodorant and toothpaste. I frowned. There must be something good in here somewhere. I bent down and opened a drawer on the bottom I had yet to check and blushed bright red. CONDOMS?! What the hell? There was a Christmas sticker stuck to the box with a cute little snowman that read “to 707 from Vanderwood”. Oh, so Vanderwood got it for him. What a weird gift from a coworker. I shrugged it off and went to Seven's bedroom. I took off the tags on the new clothes I got and went to the laundry room to wash them.

I was pouring the blue detergent on my clothes when I heard banging on the security door outside. I start the washing machine and stick my head out of the door to watch what was going on. I watched as Seven sighed and opened his door.

After a few minutes a cute blonde boy with clips in his hair walks in with the hacker boy.
“Sevennnnn,” cried the blonde, “I can't believe he called my mom!”
I frowned and snuck my way closer, trying not to be spotted by either of the boys. I didn't want to interrupt their conversation but I was curious about this whiny little boy.
Seven sighed and shook his head, “Who called your mom and why?”
The blonde let out some tears, “Jumin called my mom! He says I'm addicted to video games and I'm not taking care of myself or my school work!”
Seven shrugged, “Well Yoosung you do play too much video games. That was kinda rude of him to call your mom though.”
The boy that Seven called Yoosung sniffled and wiped his tears. “Can I stay here? Pleaseeee,” he begged, “It'll only be for tonight.”

Seven tapped his index finger on his chin for a bit in a thinking manner and mumbled, “Hmmm, but I already have someone staying over. I'm a bit limited on space.”
“Please! I'll sleep on the couch! Just one night.”
Suddenly Seven's face dawned a grin that would put the Cheshire cat to shame, “You'll take the couch, you say?”
Yoosung nodded with tears in his eyes and rubbed at his runny nose.
The redhead immediately turned toward me, still grinning, ‘Darn, he noticed me anyway’.
“Did you hear that (y/n)? Looks like we’ll have to share my room,” Seven said cheerfully.
I swallowed thickly as my mouth became dry, pretty sure my face was a hue somewhere between scarlet and inferno red as I mumbled out, “Ah, o-okay.”
“Glad it's all worked out then,” Seven smiled once more, “Yoosung, you're welcome to stay. There's a game console you can play LOLOL on and there are sandwiches in the fridge if you get hungry. I'm working so try not to bother me.” That being said, Seven once again sat in his chair and began hacking once more, fingers flying over his keyboard.

I walked completely into the living room as Yoosung sat down on the couch, immediately going for a video game controller. As I sat down next to the blonde, he gave me a friendly greeting before realization dawned on him.
I giggled. “He must not tell you a lot of things. Even Zen knew I was here.”
Yoosung pouted. “No fair! You can't hog her, Seven,” the blonde said then turned his attention to me, “Do you have a boyfriend?”
I looked over at Seven and shrugged, “I'm not sure. Sorry cutie.” I ruffled Yoosung's hair and smiled at him.
Yoosung frowned but shrugged it off and we started to play a game.

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