Chapter 10 - MC dies at the end of this chapter, because I write sins not--

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After a few days, it was finally time for RFA's grand party. I was excited yet butterflies danced in my stomach at the fact that I would have to meet the rest of Seven's friends.

I slid my dress on with a smile. It was perfect. It was just the right color for my skin tone and it perfectly shaped to my body. This boy sure knew how to pick a dress.

"Seven," I called, "Can you come zip up my dress?"
"Of course," my boyfriend called from the other room as he entered wearing his own formal attire. Seven stopped in the doorway, a red tint rising on his cheeks.
"What?" I asked a bit self conscious.
"Wow," he breathed, "you're the prettiest woman I've ever seen."

Walking up behind me, I felt Seven zip up the dress, then wrap his arms around my waist from behind, bringing his mouth to my ear.
"Though I think you would look prettier without the dress," the murmured, giving my ear a gentle nip.
I blushed bright red and bit my lip. "Don't be such a tease. You know the party starts in 20 minutes and it takes 15 to get there. We don't have time for what you have in mind," I said while turning around in his embrace to gently kiss his neck, "But we have plenty of time after the party." I winked at him.
He smirked and grabbed his keys. "Deal."

Not long after getting in the car we finally pulled up to this elegant, mansion-like building. Seven parked the car and opened my door, holding out his hand for me to take.
"m'lady," he said with a wink.
I smiled and placed my hand in his. He helped me out of the car and I did a little curtsey.
"Thank you kind sir," I said with a huge smile on my face.

I slid my hand into the curve of his elbow and he led me inside the building. When we entered I gasped at the sight. It was expertly decorated to look like a grand ball. The whole interior looked like a movie set. Upon entering was Jaehee in a sophisticated suit jacket with a matching skirt.
"Glad you could make it, (y/n)," Jaehee greeted as we walked towards her, then turned her attention to Seven, "I must greet the guests tonight, but feel free to introduce (y/n) to the other RFA members and enjoy the party."
Seven laughed and scratched the back of his head as we walked further into the venue, "Well you know everyone in the organization except V and Jumin, so I guess I'll get you to meet them first before we start to mingle."
"Sure. I've been meaning to thank Jumin anyway, so that's perfect."
Seven gave me a questioning look, but continued to lead us through the already forming crowd. He stopped in front of two men that seemed to be having an in depth conversation with one another, "V, Jumin, this is (y/n)."
Both men looked over at Seven and I before the man with mint green hair smiled and held out his hand, "Hi, I'm V, and that's Jumin."
I shook V's hand while Jumin nodded and let out a curt, "Pleasure to meet you."

Seven and I chatted with the two friends for a few minutes before Yoosung spotted us from across the venue and started to frantically wave us over.
As we turned to leave, I whirled back around to face Jumin, "Oh, I forgot to say thank you. Thanks for calling Yoosung's mom, you're the real MVP," I waved before quickly walking away, trying to catch up with Seven.

I smiled as we walked up to Yoosung.
"Oh hey," I greeted him with a hug, "You look cute in your tux."
He smiled with a blush on his face. "Aww! Thank you. You look pretty in your dress. Seven is very lucky."
Seven pulled me to his side in a hug with a proud smile on his face, "Why yes I am."
Just then a girl came up to us with a smile on her face.

"Hey Yoosung and Seven!"
Yoosung hugged the girl. "Oh! MC you made it," he said happily. I smiled politely. So this was the girl that set up the whole party. She's pretty.
I held out my hand. "Hi my name is (y/n). Thank you for inviting me to this beautiful party."
MC smiled, taking my hand and bringing me into a hug. As her face was next to mine, she whispered in a threatening tone, "Seven is mine, stay away from him."

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