Chapter 11 - I am Saeyoung Choi and I approve this mystic message

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As MC pulled away I stared at her in shock, “Excuse me?”
“I said your hair is so beautiful! What products do you use?” MC smiled disarmingly once again.
Beside me, Seven let out a chuckle, “Mine.”

I didn't fail to notice MC's glare directed at me for a brief second, “Oh, that's cool,” she gave a fake giggle, turning away. “I have to go greet some more people, I hope you have a good time,” she said as she linked arms with Yoosung and gave Seven a wave before giving me one last distasteful glance.

I stood there speechlessly. What did I do to warrant such behavior? Not once was I mean in our short conversation and what did she mean by “Stay away from Seven?” Why did she feel the need to threaten me?

Seven gently touched my arm and I jumped.
“Are you okay,” he asked with a concerned look on his face.
I frowned and shook my head, “I don’t like your friend.”
He gave me a inquisitive look, “Excuse me?”
I shook my head and sighed, “I thought she was nice but when she hugged me she whispered something in my ear. She said ‘stay away from Seven’.”
Seven frowned, “Are you sure you heard her correctly? MC would never say that.”
“Seven. Please trust me! I'm not lying. That's exactly what she said. Then she kept giving me dirty looks.”
Seven shook his head, “I know MC. Believe me when I say this. I want to trust you but I've known her a while and that just doesn't sound like something she would do. Just let me think about it.”.”
“Seven, you have to believe me! I wouldn't-”
“(y/n), just drop it for now. Besides, it's not like I would even let you stay away from me, you're my beautiful girlfriend that I really care for.”
I crossed my arms, still deciding whether or not the blush on my face was an angry or bashful one, “Fine, but believe me when I say this: you're my boyfriend, I'll fight anyone that tries to come between us.”
Seven gave a nervous look, “Maybe try not to fight MC? She is our only party coordinator, after all…”
The only response I gave to my boyfriend was a glare that could turn the rainforest into a desert.

“Luciel,” Jaehee asked cautiously.
Seven turned his attention to Jaehee with a smile. “Hi Jaehee.”
“Seven. I would like you to give a speech. I will greet the guests and introduce you, then have you come up and say a few words. Is that okay with you?” Jaehee explained.
Seven nodded. “Yes that will be great.”
Jaehee smiled a small smile. “Good. I'll call you up there in 10 minutes.”
Jaehee nodded and left.

I looked at Seven and sighed, “I'll let you prepare your speech. I'll be with the others if you decide to trust what I have told you.”
I left a speechless Seven to gather his thoughts on his speech to go find one of the other RFA members. I smiled widely as I spotted Zen and Jumin. They seemed to be in a heated conversation. I made my way over to them.
“You know cats make my face itch, you jerk!” Zen was yelling as I walked up.
Jumin rolled his eyes but smiled when he noticed I had joined them.
“Why hello (y/n). So nice of you to join us,” Jumin said as he greeted me.
Zen rubbed the back of his neck with a smile on his face, “Oh hey (y/n). Sorry you had to see me like that. I'm allergic to cats but this jerk was thinking about bringing his own cat.”
“Elizabeth the Third deserves to see this beautiful party too,” Jumin said with a frown.

As the pair went back to arguing a voice suddenly whispered in my ear, “Stay away from Jumin, Zen, Jaehee, and Yoosung too.”
“What the fuck,” I muttered and turned around to see MC as she disappeared into the crowd. ‘This lady really needs to chill out,’ I thought to myself.
“I’m going to go get something to drink, see you guys later,” I waved to Zen and Jumin as they continued to argue, this time about Jumin wanting Zen in some kind of commercial.
I wandered around the party accepting snacks and drinks from friendly waiters that made sure no one went without refreshments. Suddenly, the sound of someone speaking into a microphone brought my attention to a raised area of the room where a podium sat. I recognized Jaehee and realized it was almost time for Seven to speak.

“Welcome everyone to to our annual ceremony. The RFA is pleased to welcome each and every one of you here tonight. To be honest, due to the loss of our last party coordinator, we didn’t expect to be able to host another party. However, we are happy to announce that we have gained a new member to our organization that has taken it upon herself to follow in our last coordinators footsteps.”

Jaehee paused as applause erupted from the people crowded around the makeshift stage.
“I would now like to introduce a member of the RFA on stage. He has been an important part of making the organization into what it is today. Now without further ado, I welcome that member on stage now. Luciel, if you don’t mind…”
Jaehee curtly stepped aside, as I watched Seven approach the podium. I was shocked to see MC boldly smack my boyfriend’s butt as he attempted to ascend the makeshift stage. I looked on as Seven paused, confusion and shock making an appearance on his features before her put on a neutral mask, and continued making his way to the podium.

“You were right,” Seven spoke into the microphone, looking directly at me as the rest of the of the guests looked on in confusion.
Turning to MC, he spoke again, “So that’s how you wanna play?”
Confused murmurs began to spring up among the crowd.

My boyfriend's eyes passed over each person in the audience as he cleared his throat, “Hello, my name is Luciel Choi and I am unexpectedly in love.”

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