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I let the man with questionable fashion sense lead me down the street towards where I assumed Seven's house was.
"So what am I supposed to do to get him to work? Isn't there a hacking job he was supposed to finish a few days ago?"

The man who apparently worked with the hacker gave me an annoyed look, "You just have to convince him to finish the job and maybe even threaten him. I don't know how you know about that job but I'll just pretend you didn't ask such a question."
'He doesn't know how I knew?' I was confused for a moment until I put it all together, 'He's not from my organization... and by the way he's basically dragging me to the house of the guy I was sent to kill, I feel like it's safe to assume he doesn't know I'm not from his organization. But I'm not complaining; if anything this guy is making my job a bit easier.'

Making it to a large gate, the man started to pound on the barrier, "Seven! Open this damn door!"
Suddenly a robotic voice coming from a speaker on the gate chimed in and said, "If you would like the door to open, please count to 10 in Arabic."
The man growled and yelled at the door, "I can count to fuck you in Arabic!"

He pounded on the door for a few more minutes until the door suddenly swung open to reveal the redheaded boy who had been tormenting me.
"Ah! Vanderwood! Good to see you," he turned to me and smirked, "And you have a pretty young lady with you." He winked at me and stood back to let us in.

Once Vanderwood and I were inside the gate, the redhead spoke up again, "I was just on my way to take one of my babies out for a spin. Ya'll have fun!" The gate then closed, locking us in.
"What?! Get back here! You have jobs to do!" Vanderwood exclaimed as I yelled out, "Where do you think you're going? We have business to attend to! I'm not leaving until you finish the work you owe!"

Seven chuckled and climbed into one of his cars, quickly taking off. I sighed and looked at vanderwood, crossing my arms.
"Well looks like we'll have to wait for him to get back," Vanderwood sighed and went inside the house muttering, "Great. Just great. Fucking unbelievable."

I decided to take a quick look around outside but came up with nothing but normal household things. I walked inside and my eyes widened. I'm not gonna lie. This house was amazing. Seriously, was this guy an interior decorator or something? The house seemed to be themed with hazard stripes everywhere, but that wasn't the most impressive part. Everything was spacious with some of the most recent innovations of technology in practically every room. The living room consisted of a large TV, plush couch, and multiple gaming systems, with an area off to the side that had nearly an entire wall lined with computers. "Dang," I muttered under my breath while looking around, deciding just to take a seat on the comfy looking couch.

After about an hour of waiting, Vanderwood was getting impatient. He had cleaned up all the PhD.Pepper cans and honey budda chip bags but I could tell that Vanderwood was sick of waiting.
Suddenly some of the TVs on the walls turned on as a car pulled into the garage. I stood up and straightened my clothes a bit. 'Good. He's back.' I thought to myself. If this kid pulled these stunts often then it makes sense why the work isn't done yet. I crossed my arms and impatiently drummed my fingers along my arm as Seven made his way into his living room.

Opening the door, he gave a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, "Ah, the pretty lady is still here."
"Yeah, but you won't be much longer unless you finish that work my organization wanted."
Laughing, the redhead waved a dismissive hand in the air, "We both know that as soon as I'm done with that task you'll attempt to kill me anyway, miss 'I'm-the-best-assassin-in-my-organization'."

I let out an indignant huff as he gave a smug smirk, "And you were given orders to wait until the work was finished before taking an attempt at my life."
"I wouldn't just be an attempt," I grumbled as Vanderwood looked on in shock.
"You mean to tell me that you weren't the reinforcements I sent for? And that you're here to end our top hackers life?" He then pulled out a taser and started for me.

Going into a defensive stance, I managed to disarm the man before he had a chance to strike me with his weapon, then kicked him in the knee and pinned him on the ground just to be on the safe side.
"Try to pull a stunt like that again and I can promise you that you'll be on the ground for good next time," I growled in his ear.
I sighed as I stood up, taking off the wig and large sunglasses, "Well since my cover is blown anyway, might as well get rid of these." I ran my fingers through my (h/l) (h/c) hair, fixing it from its messy state due to the wig.

Vanderwood got up off of the floor while I used the taser to motion to the computers casually, "Be a good little hacker and finish up. Your partner or whatever the hell he is can help you."
Seven raised an eyebrow but sat down at his computer, booting it up, "You realize I know every single detail about you, right (y/n)? I know that you have a body pillow of (fav/character) and that you sleep with those glow in the dark stars that stick on the ceiling."
I blushed in embarrassment and stumbled on my words, "T-thats not true!"

Rolling his eyes, Seven started to type as he kept up the conversation, "I also know that your organization is planning to dispose of you when you get back from the task as an extra precaution to not let their dirty secrets out about the information they wanted me to procure."

Shaking my head, I argued against him, "You're lying. I'm their best assassin, it wouldn't make any sense-"
Just then, the hacker pulled up confidential files from the company I work for, "Hey! You can't just-"
"Take a look for yourself," the redhead interrupted.

Reading the words on his screen, I almost couldn't believe my eyes. There was no mistaking the familiar tone my bossed used when writing documents. Those bitches were actually planning to double cross me!
I crossed my arms with a frown, "You realize what this means right?"
The young hacker noticed the murderous glint in my eyes and smirked, "Ah, so you want revenge? Well let's see what I can do."
Seven's fingers speedily danced across the keyboard as he input codes that just looked like gibberish. I stood over his shoulder, curious of what he had planned.
He suddenly stopped then turned to me with a smirk. "Your organization seriously underestimated both of us if they think they can just steal whatever they want then throw us out like yesterday's newspaper," he said then dramatically pressed the enter key on his keyboard.

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