Chapter 9 - Why are 2-D boys so hot? I ask this every time I look in the mirror

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I awoke with a jolt, alone in Seven's bed, the sheets where he was laying long cold. ‘I must have been so relaxed that I fell back asleep. What time is it anyway?’ I took a look at the clock on the bedside table, and gasped in shock. I rubbed my eyes just to be sure the numbers they were seeing were correct.
That can't be right. It can't be 2 PM. I sat up and made my way to the door. The bright afternoon sun blinded me as I opened the door. Seven wasn't at his computer and Yoosung wasn't in sight either. I frowned and started looking around for both boys.

After a little bit of searching I finally found them outside at the gate. As soon as I walked outside Seven stood up from his crouched position with a smile.
“Good morning Sleeping Beauty. Did you sleep well,” he asked.
“Actually, I'm not going to lie, that was the best I've slept in a long time. What are you guys doing?”
I hugged Seven around his waist and he put his arm around my shoulders.
“Yoosung wanted to see the gate and how it worked,” he said with a shrug, “You must be hungry. Do you want those sandwiches with (fav/drink)?”
I smiled up at him, “Yes please.”

After the three of us ate a late lunch, Yoosung gave Seven and I a goodbye before he left, as he finally realized he couldn’t just keep avoid his mother. After Yoosung’s departure, Seven and I decided to play some video games.

After a while, we took a break for some snacks and decided to lounge on the couch for a bit before I remembered, “Don’t you have work to do? I don’t want you to get in trouble or anything.”
Seven smiled back before replying, “I finished most of it while I was working the past two days. There is only one job left for me to do, but the deadline is the end of next week.”
“Okay then,” I smiled, then felt my cheeks heating up as Seven draped one of his arms over my shoulder.
“It’s so cute when you worry about me, (y/n),” he said in a singsong voice and he nuzzled against my neck. “Actually, I think you’re just cute in general,” Seven said in a more serious tone while pulling back a bit.

As I felt my cheeks become a bit darker, I stared into his shining eyes that still held a mischievous glint in them, but also happiness.
At my silence, Seven continued on with a small smirk on his face, “I really like you, (y/n).”

I bit my lip. That look on Seven's face was so sexy. The way he smirked, looked at me, and even the way he touched me all gave me butterflies in my stomach. Right now the butterflies were going crazy. The way his lips were perfectly curved in a teasing smirk made my heart squeeze in my chest. I couldn't take it anymore so I grabbed the very hot boy by his shirt and just went for it. My lips crashed into his lips as I closed my eyes to immerse myself in the kiss that I hadn't known that I wanted. He made a surprised noise against my lips but cupped my check with his hand, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against his chest. His lips were soft and the way he kissed me was gentle yet dominant, like he knew exactly what he wanted.

After a few minutes, I pulled back from Seven with a huge smile as a deep red blush covered my face.
“O-oh wow,” I said breathlessly.
Seven kissed my lips again. “That definitely solidifies my feelings for you,” he said with a grin on his face.

I tightened my arms around Seven, which had looped around him in an embrace during our kiss, giving him a hug while I buried my face in his chest.
“I like you too. A lot. Like, like like you,” I stumbled over my confession, feeling like this was all a dream.
Seven let out a chuckle, “Well that's good. It would be a bit tricky to explain to everyone at the party that my girlfriend doesn't really like me.”
“Party?” I echoed, before realizing, “I'm your girlfriend? Like, we’re official now?” I couldn't keep the goofy smile off my face, which caused Seven to let out a small laugh.
“Yeah, you're my girlfriend. And about the party, I'm pretty sure MC mentioned it during your brief visit in our chatroom.”
I tapped my chin and tried to think back to everything I saw during the small amount of time I had been in that strange chatroom, “Oh yeah, but I had no idea what she was talking about.”
“That chatroom was for a fundraising organization I'm a member of. We call ourselves the RFA, and MC our party coordinator was dead serious when she invited you,” Seven explained.
“Wait, even when she knew I was an assassin sent to kill you?!” I interjected.
“She's invited weirder and more suspicious guests before, so don't worry about it,” Seven held up his hand to silence my further questions as he continued, “So since you're already invited, I figured you could be my date to the party,” he winked.
I smiled widely. “I would love to be your date to the party.”

Seven kissed my nose and untangled himself from my embrace. He stood up as I let out a string of objections.
“I have a surprise for you,” he said with a mischievous smirk on his face.
I narrowed my eyes and let out a slow and cautious, “Okayyyyy.”
He nodded and disappeared into his bedroom. After a few minutes Seven peaked his head out of this room.
“Close your eyes. I'll tell you when to open them,” he said with a wink.
I raised an eyebrow at him but followed his directions. After I closed my eyes I heard the rustling of Seven's pants as he came towards me and the sound of plastic being moved around.

Finally after a few seconds of just hearing Seven move around, it suddenly stopped.
“Okay. You remember how we went shopping for you awhile back,” he asked.
I raised an eyebrow. “Yes. Seven what did you buy me?”
I could hear the smile on his face as he explained, “Well, I knew your size since we were already shopping and I knew you would have nothing to wear to the party. Soooo, I got you something to wear. Open your eyes.”
I bit my lip. It was a nice gesture for him to buy me something but I had no idea what he could have possibly picked for me. He took a chance to do something really kind and I thought it was a really sweet gesture.

I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful red dress ever.
I gasped as my eyes landed on what had to be the prettiest dress in existence, “Oh my gosh, Seven, it's beautiful.”
“I thought it would suit you perfectly. After all, the prettiest lady in the world needs a dress that compliments her beauty.”
“Oh, you didn't have to though,” I breathed out a sigh as my fingertips ran over the silky material.
“I wanted to,” Seven smiled.

I couldn't help the smile that took over my face as happy tears pricked the corners of my eyes and I brought Seven into a tight embrace. “Thank you so much. No one has ever been this thoughtful to me before.”
Seven kissed the top of my head, returning my hug. “You're my girlfriend so of course you're my first thought when doing something. I take care of everyone who I care for, especially the members of RFA.”
I smiled at him. “I'm so glad that my ex-boss sent me to kill you. Who knew my soulmate was halfway across the world?”
Seven kissed me with a smile. “Twas fate that brought the young couple together,” he said with an old English accent.
I giggled and pushed him. “You're silly,” I said while sticking my tongue out.
For the first time in year I felt pure joy and happiness.

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