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{Your POV}

He left. He actually left. Why didn't he come back? Are you really that bad? Can this actually be bad for your relationship? Is your friendship over?

He said that he might not be back but you figured he would be since your best friends. Harrison and Trey have been trying to contact him and figure out what is going on with him but there is no use. He is probably halfway around the world already trying to get as far away from you as possible. 

You couldn't believe he had left. 

What if he had stayed?

Would things have been different?

Why can't he come back to me and comfort me right now?

{Harrison's POV}

Y/N is beating herself up over the events that happened a couple of hours ago. I don't know how this is going to go for her, but I am going to be here for her no matter what. She is my girl even if she doesn't want to be with me. 

Trey and I have been working on contacting Tom. I ended up call Downey because I figured he was going back on the press tour. Of course I was right. Downey told me that he was joining the tour again and that he didn't want to talk to anyone except for the cast. He said that Tom need time and needed to be away from his family, you, her family, and especially her. Downey didn't understand why Tom couldn't get over whatever was going on but supported him with whatever he did even if it was the wrong choice. Y/N was like a daughter to him and I don't think that Tom told him the whole truth. I wasn't going to say anything because it wasn't my place.

What if Tom never left her here?

Would things have been different?

Why can't Tom stop being so stubborn and come back to her before I take her away for good?

{Trey's POV}

I hate to see Y/N like this. It breaks my heart. I look up to her. She is a like 6 years older than me but she is my best friend. We have so much in common now and can relate to so many things. Of course we have other best friends too but she is always there for me. I feel like I need to be there for her too. I want to help her through this. The only way I can think to help at this time is trying to get ahold of Tom. 



"Yes? Who is this?" I forgot that I never gave him my number. We just sent each other funny things through instagram and snap chatted sometimes.

"Umm... It's Trey. I need to talk to you."

"Ohh... ummm... Trey I can't really talk right now. Can I call you back?"

"No, because we all need you here. You can't just leave like that. You really hurt her and she is broken now. Even more than before." 

"I am sorry Trey. I just... I just need time. Okay? I love you buddy. Make sure she is okay for me. I need to go. Bye."

"No wait-" With that the conversation was over. Tom hung up the phone and there was no way of calling him back because he had my phone number now.

What if he hadn't answered my call?

Would things have been different?

Why can't things be okay?

{Tom's POV}

Trey had called me. I am surprised I didn't have his phone number but I wouldn't have answered if I knew that it was him. I hurt him because I hurt Y/N. I knew that I couldn't go back now. Both families probably hate me now. I haven't gotten on the plane yet. I am about to board. I can still go back. No Tom. You can't everyone hates you. Do not go back! 

I have to keep my tears in throughout the flight. It was long, but I finally got to London. Downey and Chris were there to pick me up. They didn't ask any questions about why I ran. I didn't tell them the whole truth either. I just told them that I needed time to get things together then I would talk to Y/N about everything. I just need a distraction. 

What if I stayed and didn't leave her?

Would things have been different?

Why can't I tell her to her face that I love her but don't need to be hurt?


Word Count: 753

A/N: We hit 5k reads on Just One More Kiss! Let's start this book!

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