Chapter 8

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|Things can be different in another world

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|Things can be different in another world. Would things have been different if I did something else?|

"Darling, you look beautiful. I have no words." You blushed and started to make your way to the interview and magazine picture section. 

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! LOOK OVER HERE!" You heard so many reporters and photographers yelling at you to look or come talk to them. Caitlyn was waiting there for you inside the carpet already with the interviews all lined out for you. You were going to do one for Ellen, E!, and a couple others. 

"You look pretty Y/N! Now you need to go do some interviews but first pictures. The media really likes that. You need to make sure to look at some of the cameras but not all of them and make sure..." You cut her off before she could finish.

"It's alright Caitlyn. I have been to two of these before. Tom took me to the Spiderman Homecoming one and Infinity War. I've got this. Don't worry. If I need you to come get me out a situation I will look over at you. I promise I can handle myself."

"Are you sure? Because I don't want you to dive in to deep since you still feel bad about previous events that should not be brought up at this moment."

"Yes, Caitlyn. Everything is fine and you can talk out loud about the situation between me and Tom. I mean everyone is going to asking questions now that he spilled the whole story between us. Also, you are already slaying at your job. I don't think I could do this without you."

"Awe, that means a lot. Thanks. Now you need to go. Love you, but go!" She pushes you towards the interviews. 

"Y/N! Welcome!" The E! interviewer said.

"Hi!" You walk all the way over there so you could hear her. It was super loud and you couldn't hear anyone very well unless you screamed. Every premier is like that though. 

"I am Harper and I have a couple of questions for you!"

"Alright then! Ask away!"

"Okay so first things first, how has your new career in the music business going? You are a amazing singer by the way."

"Awe thanks. That means a lot! Umm... I would say it is going great! It keeps my mind off of things and keeps me busy. Like I have time to do all the time though especially with the new movies I am about to do."

"That's good. Speaking about movies, what are some of the upcoming ones that you will be doing?"

"Well the one that I am here for now! Avengers Endgame. There is also chaos walking and Spiderman Far From Home. We finished wrapping that one about three months ago. I also will be in Chaos Walking. It is based off of a trilogy and I will be playing the female lead. Her name is Viola. Tom will be playing the male lead Todd. We are very excited. We start shooting very soon actually. There is also another movie but I am not going to give it away yet. I am very excited about it. It is a Marvel movie."

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