Author's Note (Sorry there's been a lot)

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Okay, so I am sorry to interrupt your reading again. So sorry, but I need to tell y'all about my schedule for the book. (Sorry I am from the south so you are just going to have to deal with my slang. That's just how I talk and write.) I try hard not to make my book in my type of talking because it would sound very southern.

Well continuing off of my accent, I will be going on spring break next week. I probably won't have my computer (which is what I write on because I hate typing on my phone) because I am going to New York Monday thru Friday. My goal is to get another chapter up by Sunday this week so March 17th I think, but if I don't I won't get it up till the next week after that. Like in the end of March or beginning of April.

I am sorry that it will take so long for me to get it up but I will try my best to take my computer on my trip so I can write. I am also on writer's block right now so please comment so ideas. I would appreciate it! Okay well just know that I love y'all and thanks for reading my book even though it is complete trash!😂😊 

See ya soon!! 

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