Chapter 1

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|Things can be different in another world

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|Things can be different in another world. Would things have been different if I did something else?|

{Flashbacks are italicized}

It's been three months since the crash. You don't think straight anymore. You still thought about that day a lot. The plane ride, the talk with Downey, the hotel talk, and the crash. Everything was built up in your brain and it was never going to leave. You spent some of your days cry all day and trying to get the burden of the crash and Tom off your shoulders. There was no reason why the crash was still in your brain. Yes, it was a dramatic part of your life that made you scared to be in a car for about the first few weeks after, but it didn't change your life as much as it use to.

"Y/N! Dinner is ready." Your mom yelled from down stairs. You were always in your room now. Avengers Endgame come out in a couple of days and you plan on going to the premier. The good thing about getting in the crash was that you didn't have to go on the press tour. Yes, that was the exciting part, but you couldn't be around Tom. Not after he left you in Rome. There was no way you wanted to talk to him soon.

You got out of your bed and walked down stairs to see your parents and Trey around the table waiting for you. Of course there were conversations. It was just the usual how was your day, what was the best part, kinda thing. It was like you were starting to get into a routine. Get up, depression takes over, eat breakfast, go back to your room and stare at the wall, possible watch tv, draw, sing, eat lunch, depression time still, watch a movie, eat dinner, family time (usually a movie), then go back to your room and go to bed. This is what your life was. You were casted in a movie. It was suppose to start in a couple of weeks. It was called Chaos Walking. You hadn't met your castmates yet but you were really excited for a new adventure and new start away from Marvel for a little.

Marvel is having its own movie about you. Anna Kate Stark aka Starlight. You couldn't wait to start shooting it. Downey was going to be a big part of your movie since he was your characters dad. The only thing that you didn't look forward to was Spiderman. Tom was going to be in the movie and you hadn't seen him since he left you in the hospital bed in Rome. You weren't ready to face him either. When he left that room he took his heart with him but little did he know he took yours with me as well. He broke your heart into billions of tiny little pieces and there was no way to clean it up.

"Y/N?" You looked over at your door and Trey was standing there.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something." You knew that he had been keeping something from you on the day Tom left but never told you so you didn't ask about it.

"Yeah, anything." You sat up in your bed and he came to sit by you. You could tell that he was stressed out. He had tried avoiding you for the past couple of days and you weren't as close anymore either

{3 months ago}

Trey and Haz walked back in from trying get ahold of Tom and you figured it was no use. He was probably half way around the world already just so he didn't have to be with you. Your heart was broken into millions of pieces.

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